Hi,82 years old,have cancer top of right lung,Doc says no treetment due to my weight loss,so need to gain some .can anyone advise on have to do it PLEASE
Weight loss with lung cancer - Lung Cancer Support
Weight loss with lung cancer
Calorie packing is the way to do it. Drink shakes made with Boost or Ensure. Ice cream sundaes or other calorie laden treat before bed. Other will check in with ideas soon. In the meantime your dr can schedule you a consultation with an oncology nutritionist.
Denzie (as always) offers great advice! You should get advice on how to get your weight back to where it needs to be! Eat small amounts often, eat what appeals to you - you can worry about the perfect diet later, now just get the protein and calories on board! If you are nauseated - get that treated with medications. Don't forget to drink, even just sips frequently will keep you from getting dehydrated. Nut butters and avocados offer dense nutrition and calories, soups and smoothies. Keep snacks next to you so you can easily grab and eat without too much effort. Please let us know how you are doing!!
Brian, have you tried thos Boost Drinks? I know it helped my Mom, especially with all the vitamins and protein . Make yourself a thick shake every night, that will do it!! Not trying to make light of your situation, these couple things did help my Mon. She passed 3 years ago with COPD. But looked forward to those shakes! Hope your weight improves!
Buy ensure drinks various flavors
Syarbucks drinks, have a lot of bake potatoes, pizza, Italian and cold.cut
Hero's. All the above will give you weight.
Good Luck!
Hi Brian,
I had to gain weight. I was able to do so by by drinking Carnation Instant Breakfast drink to my day. I tried Ensure but had trouble keeping it down due to my stomach issues. Don't know if this will help you or not. Good luck.
Try whey protine, has 60 grams of protein. Thats what i am on.. have been gaining weight
Hello Brian,
First , I would like to say I hope your feeling well today . First I would ask my doctor and oncology nurses these same questions . For me I would eat lots of carbs ....they always put gain on me ...maybe some Ensure .....sweets.........and keep a positive mind and sou . Hope this reply helps .