Stage 2 lung cancer, left lung. Had chemo, radiation and surgery. I will listen to any questions and I'm a good listener if you just need an ear.
In remission.: Stage 2 lung cancer, left... - Lung Cancer Support
In remission.

Vb216 - Welcome to HealthUnlocked!
How many years ago did you have the lung cancer? I am to assume you are in the clear for now, and with any lucky, in the clear for A LONG time.
I have HPV Lung Cancer, which is my third cancer, but they found bone cancer during a recent scan, as if I needed that on top of this. I was told I was terminal back in January 5, 2016 but I am still here being all I can be.
Please Check back often, jump in and point people in the direction of this web site. Truly is a great place to hang out, read, and marvel at.
Mike "Serrecko" March
Leader of The Skyline Gaggle of Noobs - A Fundraising Paintball Team
Hi my name is Kathleen I had stage two non-small cell lung cancer upper left lobe chemo and radiation two years ago. Came back almost 2 years to the day. Now they want to remove my upper left lobe. What kind of surgery did you have?
Welcome! So glad to have you!
Im also in remission, 1b. Had upper left lobe removed, chemo. My Mom died with lung cancer in '89. I can't enjoy the present for fear of a return. Any advice?
Memaw0100 - I am not sure who you are asking this question to, but it caught my eye and if you do not mind, let me jump in with my own opinion.
I have been fighting cancers since 2008. Five days after I got married, the fight started. I am now terminal with my 3rd cancer, the docs just found a 4th, and tomorrow I go in to remove fluid from around my left lung, again.
But you know what I don't worry about? I don't worry about cancer. I am determined to live my life without the fear that cancer is killing me, will kill me or wants to kill me. Hell, I might get killed being driven to the hospital tomorrow to get the fluid removed. Luckily for me, I only live 4 miles from the best hospital within 100 miles of my house.
Life is truly too short to worry about things outside of your control. Live your life with a passion for each day. Nothing else matters but today.
Mike "Serrecko" March
Leader of The Skyline Gaggle of Noobs - A Fundraising Paintball Team
Vb216 Hi i'm Jo really glad to meet you i'm going on three years in remission. All though they took my left upper lung I had stage three I done six months chemo. they can't find the cancer. i'm really happy your in remission. Jo
So happy to hear about the remission - that is gold in this community!!1
And I understand the part of you that tugs at enjoying that because of the "fear of a return". I feel several things here. You lost your mom to this disease, so that left a hole in your heart, no doubt, so for you to dread the possibility of a return seems a given. However, you are also a survivor and are in a community of survivors, so that says a whole lot of grand things - all happy and jammed full of hope.
Also, Mike says it all so perfectly - "live my life without the fear that cancer is killing me..." and "life is truly too short to worry about things outside of your control." And living "your life with a passion for each day"...well, that is just straight up good advice. Still, we are human and we all know how our emotions can rule the day sometimes, even if our head says, "be calm, enjoy".
Take it one moment at a time, remembering to lift your head up to see the beauty around you, the ones that love you, and the strength within you whenever you can. This moment counts. Savor it, and try to put the dread behind you. And when you can't, forgive yourself and find someone to comfort you.
Caring thoughts,
Thanks for the uplifting comments. I am told I am a worry wart by nature. Not only losing my Mom, but my brother 2 days before my diagnosis just makes it hard to be positive. I work on it everyday. Thanks for the support!
Ouch. That is sad, no wonder you struggle. I am so very sorry that you lost those loving people in your life.
Be patient with yourself, It takes time to re-boot ourselves when we are hit by a train!
I hope you are finding ways to comfort yourself, and that you have caring people near you now. Remember to love yourself - sounds trite, but is true. There is only one you, and that's pretty amazing!
Please keep us updated, everyone here loves to visit!