Has anyone else had sciatica down a leg affected by lymphoma? I have been in severe pain and my foot is completely numb. I normally wear a compression garment on this leg but and finding it incredibly painful. Finding it very hard to walk as I can't feel my foot. Has anyone else had this?
Lymphoma and prolapsed disc/ sciatica : Has anyone else... - LSN
Lymphoma and prolapsed disc/ sciatica
Have you seen your doctor ? it sounds urgent if your foot is numb then the nerve is being compressed. Is it lymphoma or lymph oedema that you have? Either way I suggest you see your doctor as soon as possible.
I have lymphoedema in both legs, left being worse. As yet I have not been referred to a Lymph Clinic because my surgery have no-one trained to diagnose the condition so therefore say that they could not refer me. Hence I do not yet wear compression garments. My lower spine crumbled due to severe osteoporosis and trapped my sciatic nerve in left buttock. I have never known such pain, constant 24/7 agony. I was put on Amitriptyline to help with the pain to start with (this was after 7 months of pain) and it was starting to work when I suffered Sudden Onset Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma in my right eye (this drug triggered this condition) and had to have emergency laser eye surgery to save my sight. Obviously I can never take this again. Then my GP tried Gabapenten known to work on neuropathic pain but too many side effects. Now I am on Pregabalin which I find has worked on the pain and I am now pain free. The nerve will always be trapped so unfortunately I have to stay on Pregab ad infinitum. I got awful nerve pains in my left toes and sometimes complete numbness before finding that this drug worked for me. I just wonder if you could ask your GP if it would be suitable for you? I found that once the pain was relieved the numbness in my foot went altho' I do still get nerve pain in 2 toes when the foot swelling gets to ridiculous proportions in the really hot weather. I hope this helps you because I know what you are going through and the relief at getting my life back pain free is fantastic. I couldn't even walk because of the pain and was housebound - now I am able to get out again and being mobile hope to lose the weight I gained during this rather horrid time. I do hope you get some help from your GP and it is urgent that you see him/her because the numbness is not a good thing at all.
Best wishes and do let us know how you get on
lizzie66 - Hello, just read your post. Gabapentin is one of the drugs I am on, 8 daily. Have you been given Baclofen? I am so very sorry to have read about your eye. Bless you. That is the trouble with some of these wretched tablets, the side effects, and the doctors just hope there are none when they give them to you. They just wait and hope nothing bad happens. Thank the Lord your eye(s) are alright now.
I 100% agree with you though numbness is definitely a doctors visit. I would even go as far in saying A&E (NOT DIAL 999) just get someone to take you there Niktcx. Just not worth waiting around.
As lizzie66 said, please let us know how you get on, we will be here for you should you need us xxx
Hi there, I am so sorry to hear of your difficulties. However, there is one point which I find strange. Only a vascular consultant can diagnose whether or not you have Lymphoedema, not some one from your GP's surgery. You need to be referred to a hospital and then will you be referred to a Lymphoedema clinic, if you have one in your area.
I too suffer from sciatica and like yourself only in my worse leg, which is the worse. I was fortunate I suppose in that my female GP referred me for physiotherapy. Over a 5 week period they were able to 'un-trap' ( if that is the right word) the nerve. Since the last episode this time last year, I have been unable to sleep on my left side due to residual pain.
I do hope you get better soon. With very best wishes too.
Hi there,
You do not say if you have Lymphoedema or lymphoma? I suspect because you are wearing compression hosiery, then it is the former? If not, please disregard anything I say, as I am a lymphoedema lady!
I can fully sympathise with you - over the years I have had sciatica quite a few times and always in my left leg, which is my worse leg. I have primary Lymphoedema in both legs, feet and toes. I was fortunate in that my GP prescribed a 5 week course of massage by the in-house physiotherapist and they were eventually able to release the trapped nerve. The pain is indescribable and at times, especially at night, I was in tears. One exercise they gave me to use during the night whilst in bed, was to try and raise the affected leg as high as I could to try and stretch the muscles. Despite, or maybe in spite of the pain, I did find this useful. Also, she told me to stand with my feet slightly apart and raise my hands in the air, again to stretch the muscles. I know the pain is dreadful, but it is important to keep as mobile as you can. You must not wear your compression hosiery whilst you have the sciatica, it will not help and I believe, can exacerbate things.
I do hope you get better soon. With best wishes
Thank-you for your post, an x-ray has showed that the disc at the bottom of my spine has prolapsed as the space between the spine is much less there than in the rest if my spine. Morphine has killed the pain now but my leg and particularly my foot are so swollen now that it feels like the skin is going to split open. I can't walk as I have no feeling in my foot. Apparently I can't have an emergency Mri until I am paralysed and have incontinence. My advice to anyone in the UK is get private health cover which sadly I don't have.
I have primary lymphodema that was diagnosed about 8 years ago. My left leg is roughly 28 % bigger than my right leg and that is lymph fluid not fat. I am having a radioactive lymph scan at St.Georges Hospital in London in September. I wear compression garments 24/7 normally however right now with a trapped sciatic nerve my leg and foot is too sore to compress. This is now making the swelling much worse and the pain unbearable.
I really hope that my chiropractor can fix my spine. I have heard people talk about machines that massage the lymph fluid out does anyone know if i can hire one or go to somewhere for treatment? I live close to Gatwick Airport.
Hi,am new to this site, but have bilateral lymphodem_like you have leg and joint pain, but what I have been told after investigation was that what I thought was innocent pain was actually bone to bone rubbing and need a new hip= so please go to gp and get a proper diagnosis😩
Hi thanks since I posted I was taken in for an emergency MRI scan which confirmed that I have a prolapsed disc with nerve compression. I'm seeing the spinal surgeon in 3 weeks so will find out then if he thinks I need any surgery. Fingers crossed the disc has moved back on its own.