The left is the worst. I use Farrows as I have a crumbling spine an these are easier to put on. The question is there anything else I could use to reduce the swelling?
The left is the worst. I use Farrows as I have a crumbling spine an these are easier to put on. The question is there anything else I could use to reduce the swelling?
Hi Big Leg what can I say you really are a star. thank you. I am not sure which thing actually brought on the lymphoedema as you saw from my history it could have been either of the major accidents I have suffered or something else. What is for sure I have it as well as Fibro.
I am now fifty-nine an entering my glorious 60th year I am exceedingly positive just sum what hampered . The osteoporrosis in my spine is proving to be an increasing challenge, never sure which bit will be screaming next.
Many many thanks for the links I shall certainly have a look.
Best wishes for Christmas
Hi, I suffer of Lymphoedema in my right leg for about 28 years and I just only know Jobst stocking and I must elevate my leg for most of the time and during the night.
Good luck