At long last ,Hospital appointment tomorrow. - LSN


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At long last ,Hospital appointment tomorrow.

galtyboi profile image
16 Replies

It's been a long wait,almost two and a half months ,now finally tomorrow is the day for my first hospital appointment .The pain has been getting worse for the past few weeks and the stiffness on my knee joints ,leg swelling and swelling of the feet have been getting worse.

I have a lot of questions to ask,and the best type of bandaging to use are all things i will need to know .

Thankyou to all for your kind help over the past few months ,it was very much appreciated ,i will be in touch and let you all know how i get on tomorrow .


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galtyboi profile image
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16 Replies
Lynora profile image

Good luck Larry - which hospital are you going to? I hope you have written down all your questions! I write mine in a note book - doctors go pale when they see me turn the pages!!!!!

galtyboi profile image
galtyboi in reply to Lynora

Hi Lynora,.Thanks for your good wishes,i went to Mount Vernon Hospital in Northwood and was seen by a wonderfujl lady who also has Lympheodema ,so she measured me up for farrow wraps ,and she was wonderful ,i couldn't have asked for better treatment .I should have them in a few weeks then the treatment starts ,still in a bit of pain but coping ok with it .Hope all is well with you Lynora ,Regards ,


Ginsing profile image

Afternoon so how did the Hospital app go? Was it helpful and are you more in control. Thought about you but with the sites all updateing could not get through to message you. Hope you are OK? xgins

galtyboi profile image
galtyboi in reply to Ginsing

Hi gins,Appointment went ok ,got measured up for farrow wraps ,so i should have them in a few weeks.also going to have exercise class every Tuesday at the hospital gym.,so at last the ball is rolling and i am hoping to get this lympheodema under control ,i'm in a lot of pain and muscle stiffness but i am coping well with it .How are you doing .


Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to galtyboi

Hi Larry best of luck with the farrow wraps I got mine a fortnight ago after 5 months of tripple bandaging wow what a differance to take them off at night have a shower and then to bed.

I hope yours work for you .


galtyboi profile image
galtyboi in reply to Ginsing

does your farrow wraps not work for you gins ,you don't sound impressed with them ,is there anything you can tell me about them that i should know about ,i am getting worse and am depending on these wraps when they come ,i dread to think what i'm going to do if they don't work ,i'll be back to square one again.


LymphedemaGirl profile image

Hi Larry, finally your apt came up and it is so good to hear you were measured for Farrow Wraps and that the ball is now rolling, yay! What did the lady at the hospital say about things, I mean what is the plan now and for the future? Will you have an intensive period of treatment with bandages and what about MLD? It is fantastic that she has Lymphedema (well, not for for her) so that she indeed knows what she is talking about! I am so glad that you are finally getting help and I am looking forward to hear about your progress.


galtyboi profile image
galtyboi in reply to LymphedemaGirl

Well the plan for now Liz ,The Farrow wraps were delivered to my house on Friday and with the help of my good wife (Jo) i started wearing them on Saturday .

I am also going to lymph exercises at the hospital once a week which is another great help .When the swelling goes down i am going to be put on compression stockings ,without the wraps and that is going to be for good i believe .,that is the plan Liz if all goes well ,fingers crossed lol.I am very lucky to have good people here on Health unlocked ,the hospital ,My GP and my wife and family who are all there with me all the way ,i couldn't ask for better, and i am so grateful to everybody for their help and kindness.,you. have all been wonderful Liz..


norberte profile image

hi larry

i missed all this, sorry

fantastic that you've got a plan, you 'sound' really hopeful & excited

how's it all going?

galtyboi profile image
galtyboi in reply to norberte

Hi Norberte,Things are looking good .

I,ve been on the Farrow Wraps now for almost two weeks and the swelling on my right leg has almost gone back to normal size ,but the left leg is very slow in going down,and also painful and very stiff.I am hoping it will go down soon so as i can start wearing compression stockings .I am taking exercise classes in the hospital once a week ,although i had to miss it yesterday because of severe pain and stiffness.Everybody has been so good ,i couldn't ask for better treatment.Hope all is well with you ,let me know how you are getting on .Great to hear from you ,Thanks for keeping in touch.


Ginsing profile image

So how are the wraps I am used to mine they go on every morning and my legs feel great. I have no forward plan like you as I will be in farrows a long time as I cannot get stocking on and off because of my back. It is like wearing leg warmers pity they are such a drab colour :) girls always want colours purple would have been good. Still at least I can walk about better even though I will never get a pair of Choos :) how near are you to stockings now? gins

galtyboi profile image
galtyboi in reply to Ginsing

Hi gins,Things are looking up.I am wearing Farrow Wraps now almost two weeks and the difference has been fantastic.The swelling has gone down a lot ,as much as 5 inches in radius and i am delighted..Hopefully when i get a follow up appointment at the hospital i will be measured for compression stockings and within a few weeks after that i should be able to wear proper trousers again and put the jogger bottoms to one side for a change.,this means i will be able to get out of the house again and not be a prisoner in my own home ,and enjoy life on the outdoors again ,i can't wait.

I know what you mean about the colors ,it would be good if the had a mixture of colors to suit the patients fancy but i am in no doubt that in time this will change.Have you talked to your doctor about getting help with compression stockings because your back is not good ,i'm sure he could organize a nurse to help you ,it's worth looking into ,if you don't ask you wont know.Thanks for keeping in touch gins ,talk again soon.


Lruk profile image

Hi Larry, I am delighted to hear how well things are going for you, onwards and forwards.


norberte profile image

hi larry & gins

how fantastic is that?? especially in this heat

hope they're still helping - great image of you sat in the paddling pool, gins, but i want to know if you had any kids' bath toys in there with you!

galtyboi profile image

Hello everybody,just popped in to say hello to all and to let you all know how things are progressing .I am still wearing Farrow wraps ,and the swelling on both legs have gone down considerably.I have received notice for five more hospital appointments between the 2nd of September and the 20th

I can't complain about the treatment i am getting from the hospital ,they have been brilliant .I hope all is well with everybody ,Look forward to hearing from you.


tansy1234 profile image

good luck gary.and all the best

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