I have severe asthma which bag at 40 yr old I’m now 62. I have lots of medications tablets and inhalers etc I’m currently awaiting further tests to check copd and possible suitability for biologics. The only thing that really helps well is steroid tablets which I have at big flare ups from time to time but a few weeks later back to square one. Can’t do much because I can’t breathe well I’m wheezy coughing and so tired. I noticed last week I wasn’t coughing not wheezing still breathless but felt so much better. Could not think why , what was different ? I’d only taken same meds not changed anything lifestyle wise just as I always was. First time like this in months. . Then my son pointed out Id had a steroid injection for joint pain ( shoulder impingement tendonisus snd Arthritis) . But that was in my joint, not for my breathing ? Could this be connected? I can think of no other differences taken place to make me feel better, but could a joint corticosteroid have affect on my asthma /copd too? Any thoughts ?