Hi Everyone! I am 67 yr. old woman with a long history of postnasal drip (lifelong) and acid reflux (10 yrs.). I was diagnosed with asthma in Aug. 2020 which I didn't feel too bothered by and even wondered if it was a correct diagnosis. In Apr. 2021, I was exposed to a lot of smoke which set off bronchitis and severe asthma exacerbation. Coughing, wheezing, throat clearing continued for 4 months. After an initial prednisone dose which did not help I was put 60 mg. prednisone with gradual decrease. This helped a lot but I still have not returned to previous state before the smoke event. At this time, my pulmonologist feels something else is driving the asthma which could be acid reflux, dust mite allergy, or cat dander. I am not allergic to the medium hair cat who sheds a lot, but I'm not sure if the dander is an issue. I got the cat in 2018 and had no problems until the smoke event in 2021. I have eliminated most dust collectors in the home, new pillows in bedroom, etc. and I am treated for silent reflux with 40 mg. pantoprazole 2x day, beta blocker, special diet as well as Allegra and nasal spray , maintenance inhaler and albuterol 2X per day. Any thoughts on whether its the acid reflux, the cat, or dust mite allergies? Doctor feels the acid reflux is not managed well, so the next step might be an operation which I don't want unless I am sure that its the acid reflux is what causing my asthma to be worse. Thanks for reading and your help in advance.
Could pet dander make asthma worse? - Living with Asthma
Could pet dander make asthma worse?

Hello, there are some common asthma triggers found on the AAN website (allergyasthmanetwork.org/wh... and the pet dander is listed.

You probably don’t want to hear this, but cats are a major allergen. Saltwater/budesonide nasal irrigations have helped me. It may help you too.
Is your Dr a pulmonologist, if not find one. Dust, mold, & cat hair, aerosol products, chemicals, bleach are all triggers, I have eosinophilic asthma (determined from bloodwork) I take a monthly injection of Nucala (specific for eosinophils) singulair daily for allergies, & 40mg nightly for reflux.
I have a cat too. I was tested and had no allergies at all! I was diagnosed with severe persistent eosinophilic asthma at the age of 64. I finally went to Mayo Climic after seeing two pulmonologist locally. I had extensive sinus surgery and afterthat I started improving. Of course I use inhalers daily and get a Nucala shot once a month but have
not had an asthma flare in a year! If you have constant drainage please check with an ENT. It’s been a life saver for me.
Hi. Unfortunately, yes. I've always wanted a pet of my own. Because I have asthma, my doctor says I can't pet any animals. Unfortunately, pet dander can also induce asthma attacks for some people.
My husband had persistent adult onset asthma for years untilThey did an endoscopy and discovered severe reflux. The meds they gave him for it didn't help at all . He ended up having the surgery for reflux.. and did much better for a few years. Then the asthma kicked up again and after several doctor visits.., amd bloodwork they realized he had eosinophil asthma.. and wax started on Nucala , which helped a lot . He has started coughing a lot again and I am wondering if the cat dander is making things worse. Was considering an air filter as a next step . It's been a long process but I would say you have to explore every avenue and be a strong advocate for yourself . Good luck . Hoping you can get some answers soon .
Hi I am sadly extremely allergic to most animal’s especially cats and dogs. That and dust/ sprays are the only thing that trigger my allergic asthma! 😪