I'm counting the minutes until . . . - Living with Asthma

Living with Asthma

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I'm counting the minutes until . . .

4 Replies

. . . my next Nucala injection. From what I can tell it's responsible for a good portion of the way I am feeling and that is GREAT!!! Finally after 20 years . . .

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4 Replies
Minushabens profile image
MinushabensAsthma Captain

Great news & I'm glad that's effective for you :)

Mellypad profile image

Can I ask what injections are things, great you found something after so long hope it keeps working. I'm nine years now trying to find answers and unless i get really sick and hospitalized I don't think I will get anywhere. I long for the day that I feel normal and can get back to exercise.

in reply to Mellypad

I went through 20 years of "Pump & Dump" that left me in real bad shape and my last, which there have only been 3, hospital visit was a culmination of malpractice on many levels, the last an internationally renown medical organization, and thank goodness it worked and by the grace of the beings that help people and not corporate medical organizations, I found a "new medical practice" that knew what they are doing and they are young enough that they don't know of or practice the "Art of Pump & Dump".

They found I had eAsthma, an over abundance of White Blood Cells, from the years of unnecessary drugs. If I had only not have gone to National Jewish Hospital all this would not have happened. I was doing great before all the drugs. SO, drugs can be our friends and enemies. But so can the Doctors.

These days you have to treat your doctors as if they're an "Auto Mechanic". You go to them to get something "diagnosed and fixed". If they don't fix it, either go back and confront them or move on to another doctor letting your previous Dr know why and file with a commercial online Doctor Review service as you move through this.

It was pure luck that I found my new guys. But I was fed up and 110% of the reason that I needed to go to the hospital was just that. And all the Drs there were with this one service, as was the one I had encountered in the beginning that told me just to take care of myself, I'd be fine. Unfortunately, back then you couldn't see those doctors outside the hospital. These guys you can and are in it for me and not the almighty dollar.

Good Luck and keep up the good fight. AND I MEAN FIGHT!! Fight for what you think is right!

in reply to


It's been over a year since I was diagnosed in March 2019 and I should have started the Nucala that June, but it wasn't until late August. In the meantime I was exposed to Adderall, since being diagnosed with ADD/ADHD at the age of 60. It took the BS of the last 20 years to beat me to a point where the symptoms started to appear. Anyway, the first week of taking Adderall ALL my respiratory issues "GONE". My sinus' clear and my sense of smell came back. Throat, severe Pharyngeal Laryngeal Esophogitis, "GONE!" Chest/Breathing, it was as if I never had a problem of any kind ever. It was amazing. So much so that we were thinking of not going with the Nucala. I got taken off the Adderall by another Drs error and within in a week it was all back and didn't go away like it did when I got back on the second time Adderall. Come to find out was designed by its creator as an Asthma drug for himself. Fancy that! But when he sold it to a "pharmaceutical" company, they found "other" uses for it. Wink! Wink!

So 11ish months and injections later, I had the first visit with my Pulmonologist in a year and a half last week. At that time we did a Pulmonary Function Test that I felt I completely botch and like usual the results would be "this isn't working" and back to square one. It did show a issue with my throat that I has been telling people about for years. BUT my Doctor was elated at the results. I was/am "Normal". Color me Surprised!! And then he wanted a Blood Test that I expected for what I thought he'd want to see my Eosinophil level, was 1.0, now 0.0, normal 0.0-0.4. But he wanted to see my Hemoglobin level since it was elevated way back in the beginning to supply my body with O2. When the report posted to my online account, I looked through it and saw the better numbers. But it wasn't until I when to make a PDF copy of the webpage did I see his comments. "CBC is GREAT!!". Wow! I'm batting 2000!

So in a third report to my online account changed my diagnosis to "Minor Obstructive Airway Disease." In the past 20 years the word minor has never shown up in any of my reports.

In regards to this, I'm doing great. Although the COVID-19 thing happened right when I was going start my personal rehab that have changed since very little has to do with breathing. Mostly physical from the damage of the years of drugs that I didn't need that just wrecked my body.

So on with life in our new world and readjusting to how to do things now.

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