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Please introduce yourself to the commun... - Living with Asthma
Please introduce yourself to the community!

My name is SaJanina....I am almost eighty and have had this asthmatic condition since I was fifty years old. It was difficult in the beginning as no one in my family had asthma but I finally began to understand my condition and I have traveled the world with it....taking portable nebulizers with me. My condition was diagnosed as extrinsic Asthma, cause by external factors in the work place. I am better than I was when I was younger......but I have to be extremely cautious when I am out and about...to keep from catching respiratory infections. Thanks to the organizers of this group....
Hi Sajanina
I'm Steve and developed the same type of asthma two years ago. I'm 63 now. How do you handle the continuous production of mucus in the chest and the shortness of breath. I'm having a difficult time.
Have had asthma since age 7
I am 49 and I have had Asthma for most of my life and I have gotten worse in the last 10 years. I was working at a Wendy's and drove from work to the hospital and within 30 minutes of leaving work I was put on a ventilator and I was very scared and felt all alone. I lost my job because they were afraid that I could have an attack and die on the job. Now I take about 10 meds and 2 different inhalers and breathing treatments, I don't use oxygen yet unless I am hospitalize.
60 with asthma & COPD crazy.10years
I just found this site today. As a person with both asthma and copd, I know that I could benefit from your fellowship!
I am a semi retired art instructor at a community college. The asthma, there's a family history. The copd, I'm afraid I can thank myself and maybe r.j. Reynolds!
I have been gasping for about ten years now, and honestly the thing I hate the most is how little I am able to accomplish in a day! It is what it is, but that part is truly humbling (and annoying! Lol!) I used to be so energetic...sigh
On the positive side, I love my life, mostly. I am fortunate to currently continue to work at a job that I love. My wonderful little grandson is my neighbor. I live in a tiny house on a riverbank, and hey..there's a Starbucks three minutes away! Just a few of the many blessings for which I am grateful!
Wishing everyone peace and smiles.
I was an art educator for thirty years....there is no question in my mind that the asthma that I developed was from work and exposure to several different kinds of toxins in the art room...including an unventilated ceramic kiln. I did have a workers comp case...took five years and lots of research. I think there are many of us out there who have suffered from this exposure........I hope you are able to keep on going Bernadette......
Wow, kindreds! I'm glad you finally prevailed with your case. I'm sure that over the years as a working artist I have come into contact with plenty of toxins. Unfortunately, I absolutely loved to smoke! Ah if I knew then...or, if I had listened!
Thanks so much for your response!
Hello! My name is Joslyn and I live in Colorado. I was born with asthma. I also have eczema that goes with it.
Hi I'm Shelley and I've had asthma since I was 11 and I will be 50 this year. I was hospitalised on July 5 for 4 days for the first time ever because of my asthma. So I consider myself pretty lucky but not happy. So today makes 12 days of 60 mg. of predinisone plus 3 additional visits to the ER and I'm sucking on my nebulizer every 4 hours and I feel horrible. I'm so nauseated. I've lost 16 pounds. I can't sleep. I can't breathe. I feel like a zombie. Tomorrow I go back to my primary doctor and I'm hopi g they do something. I can't go on like this. School starts in 4 weeks and I homeschool my special needs 13 year old. I have therapies to take her to and I'm basically homebound. This SUCKS !
Thank for letting me into your group
= )
Hi my name is VincentW and have dealt with asthma for years. Trying to find out where to get Theophylline. I'm located on Austin, TX and my pulmonary specialist mentioned that Theophylline ia no longer being manufactured. True or false?
Hi Vincent, the only place I know of to get Theophylline is through a compound pharmacy with a prescription from your Dr.
I've been told by my pulmonary doctor that generic (cheap cost) theophylline is no longer available. He also stated that I no longer have the need to take it due to my condition turning for the better just 3 weeks ago. Thank you for your reply just the same as its much appreciated.
Hi, my name is Lori. I’ve had asthma since birth, I was told. Almost didn’t make it, time and again. In and out of the hospital with pneumonia. I’m 55 now. And back then, I actually have memories of being in those oxygen tents, in a crib. Well, obviously I survived we kept being told that I’d grow out of it. Which my parents and I thought I had. Enter my Dad being transferred from the east coast to the Midwest. Totally different allergens. Asthma came roaring back. After 5-6 years it was calming down again. My Mom and I never stopped missing family on east coast. We moved back, and guess what? Yep asthma, back. After that I moved around the state I’m still in. Most recently near the shore. Still waiting to see if it’ll calm down again. And that’s just and introduction! Sorry it was so long. But nice to meet you all!
Hi I am 51 now had Asthma all my life. After lot’s of Surgery Back & internal. Lungs & General Health deteriorated. Had CT Scan As has 4 Infections in less than 12/Months. Found Bronchiectasis in both Lungs.. On Fostair Sriva Triptothuim Ventolin Nebuliser & Saline. Consultant suggested trying three Mobths long acting Antibiotics? So will see!! If gives better Quality of life.👌
Hello all, My name is Stephen. Im a retired Respiratory Therapist ( RRT) and have had asthma all my life. Im 63 years old. I have what is referred to as Th2 low, non eosinophilic refractory asthma with fixed obstruction.
Ive been hospitalized and on a ventilator innumerable times and am currently a long term research subject for the NIH funded severe asthma research program (SARP).
Im steroid dependent and take all the other standard asthma medications. In addition, Im receiving an experimental biologic drug and am also on long term macrolide therapy with Azithromycin.
Due to extensive scarring and remodeling of my airways, my baseline lung function is only in the 20's to 30's percent range ( my FEV1 is 0.45 liters or 25%). My O2 sats are normal, unless Im actively flaring.
Despite the crumby hand I was dealt, I still have a pretty decent quality of life when I'm not sick or in the hospital. I attribute my longevity to doing daily physical exercise, having access to good medical and being a vocal advocate for severe asthma. If you'd like to know more about me, you can check out my blog.... breathinstephen
Thank you.

Hi Stephen!
It's nice to read your story. Thank you for sharing and welcome to your Living with Asthma community.
I will definitely check out your blog.
Take care,
Hello I am Juliet - AviYah! I have asthma and COPD for about 20 years. Had the worst flare up 2 months ago and still not recovered. I now realize that sometimes these flare ups take long to recover from! It takes everything out of me to do the simplest things... I too have to change roles to caregiver to accepting help for myself. That was my job before March. Caring for elderly with alzhimers.... now I sometimes feel like I'm in the same boat with them. But I still have my Mind! I live in Louisiana swampland and the humidity is so bad here. Just opening the door to try to go sit on porch takes my breath away it's like my lungs just shriveled up. I used to love working in my yard but that's gone for now. I pray that I can at least get better than I am now so I can enjoy the outdoors more. I pray you all get better.
Hi! I'm Vicki. I was diagnosed with asthma 2 weeks ago. I'm 43. I can't do anything physical without getting short of breath. Even simply walking my kids 1/8mile to the bus stop (slight incline) takes my breathe away. I used to kickbox, but am unable to do it now. Still looking for something I can manage to do that is not totally boring to get in some exercise. I now have 2 inhalers, a long acting one and a rescue one. I also have been getting acupuncture, which helps short term. I am thankful for a diagnosis, but it is difficult to adjust to not being capable. I'm wondering if I need to be allergy tested again for triggers. It's been 8 yrs since I was tested, been in CO for 13yrs. I also need to get more information on the how's and why's of asthma attacks. My pulmonologist isn't that great and I haven't seem my PCP since the diagnosis. It sounds like a long road ahead of me!

Hi Vicki
Welcome to your Living with Asthma community! So glad that you are here and sharing your story😊
Asthma comes in all shapes and sizes and colors and forms- but we are all here to support each other and share whatever you need to!
Here is a link to our asthma website to get you started!
So glad you are here!
Hello All. I am new to the Living With Asthma group. I'm disabled and have many different health issues, and have had multiple surgeries, etc. I have been recently diagnosed with both COPD and Asthma. I look forward to meeting new friends here who truly understand. Have a wonderful Night.
Hello My Name is Belva. I have just got diagnosed with asthma at the age of 55. I have really learned a lot from different ones on Healthunlocked.
Hi my name is Kaye
I had got asthma 6 years ago at the age of 56. I really didn’t believe it but I couldn’t stop coughing for about 7 months straight don’t think I know everything about it yet