I’m having trouble but reminding myself there are easier even amazing times. I hope we can share highlights of life with eachother.
What is your highlight of the day? - Living with Anxiety
What is your highlight of the day?

My highlight was hugging people I love today and also seeing a magazine saying “Peace Beloved. The story’s not over yet.” I needed to hear those words.
The highlight of my day so far was securing the liquid form of a newly prescribed medication to treat my epilepsy (I don't swallow pills), and finding out it will be completely covered by my insurance. 😺
The highlight of my day was putting my daughter on the bus. Not because it meant she was leaving because I miss her terribly but because of her reaction to seeing me in the mornings. It seemed like all last school year she would run to the bus and barely look back at me but so far this year she waves high into the air until she’s completely out of site. It reminds me that despite how much of a failure I feel like I am sometimes that I must be doing something right. I have other moments that have brightened my day because despite everything I could complain about things have been better for me lately but this is the one I felt like sharing.

Faulhallen it sounds like you are an amazing mom!!!
I love those moments when we stop to notice hey how great these kids are and we had something to do with that!
How old is your daughter? My boys are 6, 10, 22
I’m actually her dad but that’s ok. I can understand the confusion.
She’s currently 7 and I have a son who is 10. My son has special needs though and currently doesn’t attend school due to his condition. I work a lot and with my current shift I only really see my daughter when I put her on the bus unless she’s out of school.

Oh oops 😬 my bad. How precious, those moments when you put her on the bus. I bet that’s a highlight for her as well.
Hello Starrlight
O I am struggling to think of a highlight of the day
But just wanted to come on & say hello
Take Care x
Hey Starrlight ~ soz for late reply ~ just picked this up. Well the highlight of my day ( yesterday) was managing to get some jobs done that I'd been meaning to do for a while. ( not very exciting I know lol!!) But proud of myself for just getting on with it!! 🙂

Oh i know that feeling! Great job Kittykat!
Cheers pal ~hope all well with you 🙂

Cheers my friend. So far a good day thanks and hope u r well! 💕
Looking forward to seeing some more of your wonderful artwork soon. Not too bad ~ but Anxiety always trying to creep in ~ grrr!!☹
Only just seen this too my highlight has been staying at my son and daughter in law's house to look after their beautiful dog 😊
Hi Cat ~ hope all well with you, ~ glad you've enjoyed " doggy sitting " .I'd love a dog ~ but somehow don't think my two cats would put up with one ~ they would be the boss without a doubt. 😃😃xx

Hello KittyKat
Yes loved our dog sitting we are "on duty" again over the weekend
When they first had him and asked if we could have him to stay here I was beside myself about puss being cross and would she run away Well no need to worry they are best of friends xx
Oh that's great they are friends!! 🐕🐈🙂. I've been getting upset over Poppy again ~ honestly keep crying about her ~ I miss her so much. My other cats are pining too especially Ko Ko.Oh it's never easy!! Anyways hope all well with you and the family ~ lovely to hear from you and enjoy your wknd 🙂🙂xx
Hi Starrlight
The highlight of my day yesterday was taking my mum out in her wheelchair for a nice long walk in the lovely weather 😊
💙💙💙🤗🌻🌻🌻🌻 love and hugs babe

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ right backatchya ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ how are you doing?