Lost my way: I feel 'lost' in a number... - Living with Anxiety

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Lost my way

3 Replies

I feel 'lost' in a number of ways.

Currently I've no job. My choice I resigned. I keep meaning to job hunt but it's difficult when you don't know what you want to do jobwise. Part of this maybe I've taken a job and it's not what I was lead to believe it was.

I'm struggling to keep up with everyday tasks eg washing up ironing vacuuming etc. It's a mystery to me how I did all these things 4 years ago with a full-time job yet now I'm struggling to get one task a day done and not employed.

I struggle to make 'friends' This may be a lack of trust on my part or I've been unlucky in my choice of friends. Consequently life is sometimes very lonely.

3 Replies

Hello Hidden :-)

I am glad you have posted as you are feeling so low as no one knows how we feel unless we say and sometimes we can feel so low we think no one want's to hear or we just go quite and into ourselves so good for you coming on and getting how you feel in the open , I hope you get some replies or you will just be stuck with me :-/

Sometimes life does not always go how we plan or think it will and it sounds like that job was not for you or you needed a break due to your anxiety but you made a choice that was right for you at the time which is a big thing to do so don't beat yourself up for that because it takes courage :-)

We don't always know what we want to do job wise

Financially we sometimes end up in jobs we don't like because we need the money but if you can survive at the moment then take your time , maybe something part time for now would better suite you just to fill in till something else comes along

If you wan't to get back into the working environment but feel that you are not ready to fully commit then they are always wanting Volunteers in Charity shops etc , that can help give us some self worth back as well as not loading pressure on us because we can choose when we volunteer , it may not be for you but just trying to throw some ideas around to maybe get you thinking :-)

When we are low everything is a struggle , getting out of bed can feel a struggle never mind what we should do or feel we should do within any one day

Don't look back at what you used to be able to do , look at here and now at what you can do and remember when you were working and keeping home before you were not suffering as you are now with MH problems , if you had anything else wrong with you that was stopping you keeping up with your jobs you would not give yourself a hard time this is no different , so be kind to yourself :-)

Maybe make a list , could be a daily one or a weekly one what you would like to get done , keep looking at it and by the end of the day or end of the week whatever you have managed to tick of that list feel proud of yourself because no matter how much you have done it is an achievement when we are battling other issues at the same time like anxiety

Hope you get more replies and helpful tips :-)

Take Care x

in reply to

Thank you for your reply. Looks like I'm just stuck with you!

I think some volunteering may be avenue to explore even of it's one afternoon a week to begin with. It might give me some self worth. It's got to be something I enjoy doing.

This 'lost' feeling and not knowing what you want - is that a common symptom of depression?

I'm excellent at making lists. Unfortunately this is as far as I gets. Take the washing up . I have no idea where to start and/or it's a bigger job than I anticipated. Then I'm making a list for my list. I've tried tackling a small area. I can do about an hour. I'm then exhausted. I find the washing up boring and never ending.

It's strange because I'm chuffed with what I've done and admire the result. It's like there's a sense of something I can't quite put my finger on.

Sometimes there is no easy answer - perhaps I'm trying to strive for something that really is unachievable. Sorry not quite sure how to spell that that last word!

Hope you have a good day. 8-)

in reply to

Hello Hidden :-)

Yes sorry you maybe stuck with me for the moment , hope that is not to bad though :-/

This lost feeling is really common with depression as well as having no motivation and everything we do feels like we have just climbed a mountain even though it maybe one of the simplest things , if you can try to accept it then that puts less pressure on us less anxiety and hopefully stops us feeling so low because after all we are not well and anyone else that was not well we would tell them it is ok so why can't we tell ourselves :-)

Writing a list is a start even if you don't follow it at least you are thinking about it enough to write it down , you have to see any small thing as progress rather than a negative no matter how small and doing an hour of something when feeling so low is great , better than nothing at all !

I think even one afternoon per week volunteering would be fantastic and I hope this may be something you can do as I have a feeling it would help so much :-)

If you do fee though that no matter what you are not coping then see your Doctor and explain to them just how much it is affecting you , I now we feel at times they can't help but always worth letting them know :-)

Hope someone else comes along with some suggestions or stuck with me again :-D

Have the best day you can :-) x

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