Hi everyone I'm here on the new site !
New site: Hi everyone I'm here on the... - Living with Anxiety
New site

Hi Pete
Oh how are you liking it over there
I am going to press today but don't know when
Hope you are feeling well today

seems easy enough ?.
Ive been to my computer class last one today ( weep weep! ).
Ive got my certificate for the coarse.
feel a bit better today but I think I have a summer cold on the way .
pete xx.
Oh you are back are you
Well sometime tonight I will press upgrade & see what happens but I was on there a couple of days a while back & came flying back as I did not like it but will have to get used to it now
Oh well done are you framing your certificate ?
Maybe it could be a little hay fever it can feel like a cold & the pollen count has been high & even if you have never had it before there are so many now that get it

Yeah could be a bit of hay fever, I'm allergic to trees of all things.
So if they cut all the trees in the Amazon down I'd probably feel better LOL !.
Just finishing a watercolour off.
Well I get a little bit of it & like you the other week I thought I was getting a cold but turned into nothing & realized it was hay fever they can feel very similar
Oh do wish we could get to see these works of art you do they all sound so lovely
Hi pete x it's not so bad here on had new set up, I've been here a while and have to say i prefer it now x donver