I have heard in many cases that Prep can cost up to $1000 monthly. I also read that many health care plans do not allow Prep as an admissible authorized drug that they cover. In Canada especially, this is a major concern. Often I meet people who claim that they are on Prep and this is a standard response many use when wanting to practice unsafe sex. Has anyone else experienced this and without asking them to show you the drug, what do you do?
Are so called Prep Users being Honest. - Living Well with HIV
Are so called Prep Users being Honest.
That is a risk that you are taking. I know that unsafe sex with an unknown partner can lead to a new development of another strain of HIV if your infected. I don't know if that helped you or not, but your going to have to be the stronger person and tell the to put on a condom to protect you and them.
And I'm not sure on the cost of prep...I know that Triumeq cost $3 thousand a month...but that is government funded so I don't pay for it cause I'd be in debt and getting worst than I was 5 months ago.
I know of 2 guys that are poz and claiming they're on prep.
Locally if you're uninsured earning <50k a year you may qualify to receive the drug at little to no cost.
Don't have unsafe sex...
I’m poz and like we all know if you are undectable and taking your meds there hasn’t been 1 documented case of a infecting a person if you what I just described. However we all need to watch out for ourselves.