Hi all this a delicate and very important topic. We all work together here with hope and information to help each other cope when with living with Leukaemia. One day that may change and we may require different information to prepare should treatment no longer be appropriate and options run out.
This webinar will explore this topic and capture important information to make sure it is available should this ever be needed. If you wish to join the webinar itself to find out more you can register here: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/reg...
This webinar will aim to answer questions:
What is end of life care, what does end of life care involve?
Who provides end of life care?
What is palliative care?
Who provides palliative care?
When does end of life care begin?
What choices do I have in terms of end of life care?
How do I find out about end of life care services in my area?
Where can I seek support about end of life care?
Where can my loved ones seek support?
During the webinar the panel will discuss your wellbeing and elements involved when planning ahead:
Coping with a terminal illness
Managing pain and other symptoms
Talking about your illness
Changes in the last hours and days and withdrawing treatment.
Your rights and expectations
Why plan ahead?
Advance statements about your wishes
Making advance decisions,(a living will and lasting power of attorney)
We will be joined by:
Dr Suzanne Hutt-Williams, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust.
Julie Attwater, specialist palliative care nurse, Palliative Medicine, University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust.
registration: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/reg...