LDN and insomnia : Has anyone had... - LDN Research Trust

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LDN and insomnia

KristinCC profile image
15 Replies

Has anyone had insomnia from LDN? I just started taking it last night and only slept for about 20 minutes. I'm exhausted today and have a screaming headache. Is this something that will change after my body adjusts? Or am I one of the unlucky people for whom LDN isn't an option?

Does anyone take it during the day, instead? I've read conflicting things about receiving any benefits from daytime usage.

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KristinCC profile image
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15 Replies
Dinolulu profile image

It puts my husband to sleep in about 15 to 20 minutes! I switched to morning dosing - but I’m not the one with Parkinson’s. I would be awake, really awake, for about 4 hours after taking it - then I could usually go to sleep. After about 9 years, Decided to switch to mornings and no more sleep problems or any other kind of side effects. Also, did you start slowly and work up to 4.5 mgs. Increase half to 1 mg a week til 4.5. Good luck!

KristinCC profile image
KristinCC in reply to Dinolulu

Hi Dinolulu! Thank you so much for your reply. The doctor has started me on 1.5 for 7 days, then up to 3 for the next 7 days and then 4.5 after that. I'm not sure if that is the standard protocol? It seems kind of a quick jump to 4.5.

I'm glad to hear morning dosing works well for you. I've read conflicting information about how taking it in the morning doesn't give you the best benefit. I'll keep trying at night for a couple more days and if I still can't sleep I'll switch to am dosing. I assume the terrible headache will subside after my body acclimates. (I hope 😉)

Dinolulu profile image
Dinolulu in reply to KristinCC

I had forgotten about the headache! Yes, mine went away!

I’d go slower. Not everyone uses 4.5 mg. I use 3.0.

milkwoman profile image

I take 4.5 mg in the morning right before breakfast. I found that it disturbed my sleep when I took it at night.

KristinCC profile image
KristinCC in reply to milkwoman

Thank you so much for replying! It's reassuring to know the benefits are still there for those who have to switch to am dosing.

Greyhound_123 profile image

It took me a really long time to overcome the side effects of LDN. I started on 1.5mg and I felt like awful for about two or three weeks. I stayed on that dose for about a month before going up 0.5mg in dose over weeks. I had terrible headaches, fatigue and sleep problems in the first week. I’ve been on 4.5mg for about 2 years and it’s helped me so much with my autoimmune issues. I’m not dead tired anymore! Maybe you and your doctor could help work out a way you be can manage the side effects because they really do pass!!

KristinCC profile image
KristinCC in reply to Greyhound_123

Thanks, Greyhound_123! That's very helpful information. I'm glad you were able to get your side effects under control! Did you have insomnia from it? Or just vivid dreams? The headache is really bad, but I feel like I can deal with that. It's the no sleep that is killing me!

Greyhound_123 profile image
Greyhound_123 in reply to KristinCC

Yes getting no sleep is so debilitating. I didn’t get bad insomnia but I slept much lighter and kept waking during the night for the first week. Yes I also had vivid dreams (nightmares). It might be helpful to know that one of my big problems from my autoimmune issue was sleeping too heavily and for too many hours. Perhaps the LDN made my sleep patterns more “normal...the more I read about LDN the more I realise everyone has felt some kind symptoms and most of them settle down but obviously if you are only getting 4 hours a night you can’t go on that way! I always think it’s a good idea to have your doctor on standby to monitor. You might decide to lower your dose until you can build up to the right amount for you. I found that solution useful for me just because I couldn’t stand the side effects. Hope it gets better for you.

KristinCC profile image
KristinCC in reply to Greyhound_123

Thanks again! It's really nice to talk to others to get their perspective. I really appreciate it.

ratoncita profile image

I take mine first thing in the morning.

KristinCC profile image
KristinCC in reply to ratoncita

Thanks for your reply! I actually quit taking it because I just couldn't get past the terrible insomnia. Maybe I will have to give it another try taking it in the am this time.

brooks1 profile image

It can cause withdrawal if you have any addictions, like alcohol or opiates. This will keep you up.

KristinCC profile image
KristinCC in reply to brooks1

Hmm...interesting. I've not heard that before. Thankfully I'm not taking any meds that would interfere, only thyroid meds and I don't drink. I wonder if I was started on too high of a dose and my body couldn't handle it.

Maya_83 profile image
Maya_83 in reply to KristinCC

Maybe try going back at step. I had very. Bad insomnia on 3ml at night so I did half and half at night and morning. Seems to have done the job as I sleep well again. And have much more energy during the day where I don't fall asleep just after lunch .

KristinCC profile image
KristinCC in reply to Maya_83

That's good to know! I've given up for now, but would like to try again in the future.

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