I'm Linda Elsegood founder of the LDN Research Trust, I have been taking LDN for over 10 years for Multiple Sclerosis. Does anyone else take LDN?
Hi all new members :) Multiple Sclerosi... - LDN Research Trust
Hi all new members :) Multiple Sclerosis and LDN

Hi Linda, Fancy meeting you here! As you know, I have been taking LDN for the past six years for Multiple Sclerosis. Maybe we'll find some new people here to add to the conversation. You're looking good as always.

Thank you, hate to say it but from you name I can't place you lol Let me know
I am interested in trying LDN for lichen scerosis which is one of the auto immune problems listed that LDN is supposed to help. Have any members used it for this?
I know of only two people and neither have agreed to be interviewed as yet, I will work on it. Good Luck
Thank you, if I can get my doctor to give me a prescription (of which he is hesitating even after reading info I gave him, I will let you know how it works for me.
I want to know what anyone, with experience thinks? I am seeing my MS nurse imminently and do not want to take any DMD’s for MS. I am interested in LDN, as I also have a Lyme diagnosis. Does anyone think LDN would be good for both CNS symptoms?
So much thanks.....