Please can everyone taking LDN for please take part in the survey? It would be appreciate if you could share the link, we have members taking LDN for over 174 conditions including Multiple Sclerosis, MS, ME/CFS, Crohn's Disease, Hashimoto's Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hailry-Hailey Disease, HIV, Cancers etc
LDN 2014 Survey: Please can everyone... - LDN Research Trust
LDN 2014 Survey

I will put my condition - lichen scerolus - in the survey as soon as I can get my doctor to prescribe it, to see how it works
Hi have filled out the survey-but at the end where it said about if I had answered yes to some of the question my email would not send-if you would like my email address then please send a private msg and I will forward that way.
Yes did mine! MaryF
You know, one of the things that puts my GP off LDN is the fact that its recommended for so many completely different conditions. I can kind of understand that - it can easily come across like a lot of the "supplements" that are advertised as curing just about anything. I know that its really autoimmune conditions that benefit from LDN, but it is hard to try to have a serious discussion with an unconvinced doctor when the info sheets list a hundred or so different conditions. Personally, I didn't actually print off those pages, and I wanted to remove some of the other pages that described benefits to conditions I don't have. I guess what I'm saying is that it would be great to have a much shorter and more concise info pack to take to doctors, that just talks about autoimmune conditions in general terms (though having references to trials in specific conditions would be fine). Also the length of the info package was too long - GPs are busy, and I know from being involved in working groups developing primary care guidelines, that they just don't have time to read 14 pages - they want a concise, well referenced couple of pages. If they need more info, they want the references to medical journals, not websites.