I need to know more about taking 4.5 mg LDN twice a day. Anyone???
4.5 mg LDN 2x/day: I need to know more... - LDN Research Trust
4.5 mg LDN 2x/day

I have heard of patients doing this, while under a LDN knowledgeable doctor's care. It isn't common, and has not been studied as much as single daily dose. Most often I've seen this done for depression or anxiety.
Thanks! Do you know where I can get more info about this?
You can look up depression on our website, ldnresearch.org.
Also, are you on Facebook? We have a community of over 33,000 members and several are on a twice daily dose schedule, one is a bit higher than what you referenced.
No, I'm not on Facebook and never will be. But, I'm on Twitter!!
Since you're not on Facebook, I've copied a couple of replies about dosing twice daily here for you...sans names What I find interesting is none of these responses are about depression!
"I take my daily dose twice a day at 12 hour intervals for at least 14 consecutive days when I have a lot of inflammation in my body. This helps very well to reduce inflammation and daily dose also works better after such a period of twice daily dose.
More and more Norwegians are using this kind of dosage against inflammation and experiencing very good effects. And several patients with ME feel that they have best effect by taking the dose twice a day, constantly. My theory is that it is possibly because this patient group probably has chronic and massive inflammation in their body.
Dose twice daily for at least 14 consecutive days is also used by many Danes patients against inflammation. They have discovered that such a "cure" as a dose twice a day at 12 hour intervals for minimum 14 days can be very effective against a frozen shoulder."
From a pharmacist who is on LDN, "The alternative regimen with 2 doses a day reduces very effective inflammation. One is usually
only on the alternative regime 14 days."
" I am dosing 2 a day. 3 mg in the morning and 3 in the evening (12 hours in between). For about 1 month now. My inflammation is still there, but I feel it 's not so painful anymore. At first the nightmares and headaches turned up again. Not anymore. More ' good' days and less bad. I m hopeful..."
"I have Hashimoto’s and Fibromyalgia. I take my LDN twice a day. I don’t know why but it seems to work better that way."
" It's the only thing that made a difference for me, after multiple dosages, times, etc. after 6+ months. 1+ gm nite, 2+ gm day (5 gram pill, so 1/4, 1/2). You really do have to experiment with your body. Sleep, energy, optimism, etc.better now. I also skip some doses."