Calling all LDN Users that would like to be interviewed over the phone to help us to help others. It doesn't matter where in the world you live or for what condition you take LDN for. Please email thank you so much, we can't do it without you!
Calling all LDN Users that would like t... - LDN Research Trust
Calling all LDN Users that would like to be interviewed over the phone

Yes you can call me no is 07803770515 I would help anyone if they have any worries about LDN Lynn
Hiya, I would like to be interviewed again as I have been an Advocate for LDN and a User for over a year an a half now, last interview was when I had been taking LDN for just six months, so a lot has changed since then especially as I have a very rare form of MS called Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis. and there is not a lot of information for sufferers like me with TMS. Thanking you, I look forward to your reply
Kind regards
Thank you, it would be an honour. Please can you send me an email to with your phone number, that time zone you are in and days and times you would be available.
Speak soon
Hiya Linda love.
my phone number is 01895 624415 English time zone, not at home for a few weeks, but if you leave a message on answer phone I will get back to you. Still promoting awareness re LDN every day. Hope this reply finds you well much love n hugs Caths xxx
Please except my apology, I was speaking to my Adrian, last week, and I have only just remembered that conversation, I thought he had sent you the £26 for the Norwich trip, he said, I had the cash to give you when we attended, I forgot to give it to you thinking Adrian had paid you. It turns out, we still haven't paid you for that, I am so sorry, I will get that sorted as soon as I can, probably not till next month now, as on benefits and spare cash is not available unless we have budgeted for it, I thought it was all sorted out, so sorry Linda, I have been so busy promoting LDN on many sites, plus I have 9 volunteer's to help me with Admin on LDN Users Chit Chat Group. and we all have made a commitment to promote LDN to at least one other person a day, but I spend a few hours every day going around my sites chatting about LDN, I spoke to Dr Chris Steele the Good Morning TV Doctor and he gave me permission to use his video as much as I liked to make others aware. So that was fab.
So sorry again about the ticket money for Norwich Documentary probably wont be till next month or so, but I will make sure you get it this time, swry.
Love and hugs
Caths Evans
Ps, I think, my vocation is by doing my own promoting awareness of LDN which takes up all my spare time, so I haven't been on the LDNRT site as much as I would like, but I am referring lots of others to pop on to it to get the most up to date information about LDN they can from your most friendly, helpful Volunteers Advisers and Users on the site, then to come back to the LDN UCC Group for a bit of a giggle and whilst we all travel along our LDN journey's together. Aly Chickpea Ried, is one of my Admin volunteers there is nine of us now all promoting LDN everyday to at least one group or another. We have over 280 members now and growing every day, I also encourage any one who takes LDN to pass on and promote LDN, so hopefully we can get enough Peeps to do their own research on how others Using it and are gaining benefits with this wonderful drug.. Still an Advocate for Sativex and LDN, and I feel every thing in my past has led me to where I am today and this is what I am supposed to do, so I shall carry on with LDN awareness for as long as I am able...
Fab, Love and hugs hunni,
Caths xxx

No problem, it is all good
yes - I am open to this
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