Once a reliable source for purchasing regular supplies of LDN has been found, what happens should the source 'retire' or discontinue sales?
Taking LDN regularly and relying on it ... - LDN Research Trust
Taking LDN regularly and relying on it ALWAYS being available

I honestly don't think that will happen.
That's very scary, because I do very well on it. Like others here. Is it likely to be discontinued?
Don't say that, it strikes fear into my heart. If someone can make a profit from something, I'm willing to bet that it won't ever be forgotten.
Hi liveurlife, if you read the story in Utube, Stanford University, Dr. Jared Younger, everybody should, you'll see this is not about money. It was held back for years(we could have had it a number of years ago.) The big drug companies wanted nothing to do with it, since it was a small, private study. I really hope everyone spreads the word about LDN since almost everyone knows someone with an autoimmune disease.
Have a great weekend ❤️
Right now I have a reliable source of supply and because it has 'arrested' the degradation of my secondary progressive MS I would like to know where, if it became relevant, I would find another responsible supplier? I have just had another MRI scan. The neurologist I see from time to time says he is very surprised to find that nothing much has changed in 10 years. Sadly he dismisses LDN as 'alternative' and won't be drawn into a discussion. :-((

I'm in the US; if I understand correctly and you are talking about a pharmacy or drug store going out of business, then they would have to find another drug store or pharmacy to take over all their customers. I've never heard of a pharmacy or drug store just going out of business. If for some reason they wanted to retire, the store or business would be sold to another drug store company and would continue to make money by filling prescriptions. They have lots of prescriptions to fill besides LDN. Now if you are talking about the company who "makes" LDN, I agree with LDNRT, that would never happen; they would never get rid of LDN. LDN is used and sold all over the world and is making a profit for them so I would not worry about losing a supply.
Hi Hidden,
Your name may be hidden, but your fears aren't. I hope I can help. LDN has been used for many years in high doses for a different purpose. Low dose LDN was proven to help
many autoimmune diseases. There are studies going on now to see if it will help other diseases. I live in the US and it's readily available. 1st- there's always a pharmacy that carries LDN, should any source close. 2nd- If your doctor retires your records will. be sent to your new dr. I doubt the same meds will not be written for you. I'm moving from So. Fl. USA to San Francisco Ca. It's clear across the country,from So.East tip to NW tip and have no worries. Ive learned thru many years of fibro, that stress causes flareups and pain. You have many people here who care, so just spread the word about
LDN as much as you can.
Have a truly great day or night and enjoy,