I was on low carbs diet . Totally fell off the wagon for months and yes gained weight . This cannot go on so back on the wagon . I have forgotten how to use the site also what is a uk version that would e similar to diet dr . Sorry to be asking all this again but feel like an absolute beginner . Need to get recipes and do a shopping list
Back again: I was on low carbs diet... - Low-Carb High-Fat...
Back again

Welcome back.
There are a few UK sites, but the one I have heard most praised the most was carbdodging.com/
Looking at it now, I think the praise was for the recipes, not the overall support. Dr Maggs apparently has put the site on hold (mostly) while he helped the NHS through coronavirus, so maybe it will come back to full strength later in the year.
Lots of people have found TheAwfulToad book helpful for getting started
Hi Betsboop ,well done for getting back on the wagon. I have fallen off too. I will be joining you as a re-starter in a few days after my birthday😊
That sounds good . Good luck . When is your Birthday ? Many happy returns
Hi Betsboop , birthday was on Thursday. Had a lovely day with visits from my family, which is always special. Lots of cake, chocolate, gin. I am going to try and have a couple of fasting days and then get back on track with LCHF and IF. I don’t know if you’ve seen it but Shield-Maiden is starting a challenge for July, which I am joining. Good luck😊