Community Guidelines: If this community... - Low-Carb High-Fat...

Low-Carb High-Fat (LCHF)

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Community Guidelines

Subtle_badger profile image
60 Replies

If this community is going to thrive, it needs admins. Hopefully we get some in time, but maybe it will be useful to develop some guidelines so we understand what content and behaviour is welcome and what is not.

Obviously the HU community guidelines will still apply.


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Subtle_badger profile image
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60 Replies
MikePollard profile image

I'd be happy to act as admin, perhaps with the Toad?

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to MikePollard

I've requested admin privileges twice but received no reply. Feel free to give it a go! We definitely need an admin. It's getting untidy here. Several people have posted informative, useful stuff over the past few months/years but it's just got lost in the weeds.

MikePollard profile image
MikePollard in reply to TheAwfulToad

Agreed. I'm an admin on a defunct low carb forum so have contacted Simone to see if we can get something moving.

PandQs profile image
PandQs in reply to TheAwfulToad

LCHF has just lost another member so perhaps it's a good time to reissue your "Over the top chaps!" post. Wibble wibble 😀

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to PandQs

I think this is a rhetorical question, but who have we lost?

Only answer if you think it's harmless to say.

Cosmo501 profile image

I was thinking it might be a good idea for anyone able to do so, maybe in rotation, and in the absence of a formal admin team, to post once a day a functional post including useful links to previous informative posts discussing how to get into low carb high fat, and keto. Informative posts were immediately visible when I joined - and I would like to make sure others are able to easily see practical links instantly if they come to the LCHF page without having to scroll or search too much. What do you think? MikePollard TheAwfulToad

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to Cosmo501

HU has the concept of pinned posts, that appear on the bottom of each page. We need to get a few pinned posts, then it won't need a daily post.

Cosmo501 profile image
Cosmo501 in reply to Subtle_badger

Yes, that would be really useful.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to Cosmo501

Yup, we just need an admin to pin it. 🤣

Cosmo501 profile image
Cosmo501 in reply to Subtle_badger

Lol!.. hence my 'Hello" post

Professor-Yaffle profile image

The cheese with the green marbling looks very interesting... I googled it, I think it is Sage Derby which is marbled with sage. I thought I knew a lot about cheese but I hadn't heard of that one.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to Professor-Yaffle

Your google-fu is excellent!

This is the website I stole that picture from

SewMore profile image
SewMore in reply to Professor-Yaffle

Ooh sage cheese, not tried that, but I have been enjoying a wild garlic cheese. Also I like the “green thunder” Snowdonia… garlic and herb 😉

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to SewMore

>> green thunder

I hope that isn't a reference to the after-effects?

SewMore profile image
SewMore in reply to TheAwfulToad

😆 not that I noticed ….

SewMore profile image

Yes, I agree, I would very much welcome Team Admins in this Forum, plus a useful Welcome pinned post, and possibly some tagging categories like for recipe ideas, recommendations of sources of fancy ingredients like psyllium husks etc (unless that breaks HU guidelines), as well as tips of what to choose in restaurants, and books, YouTube or websites etc.

Basically the Weight Loss Forum is fantastic for the social support, but I do think there is a value to this parallel forum too, for specific tips and exchange of experiences.

The more I read and learn about LCHF, the more it makes sense.

In terms of guidelines, I would agree that this LCHF forum is about supporting each other to eat real food, with lower carbs and aiming for this as a lifestyle. As such, I’d rather not see pictures of carb meals; that’s what I’m trying to get away from. I see carb meals in every TV program and magazine, that’s why it would be great to have a low-carb forum. Sorry that was a long answer, I hope it helps?

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirl in reply to SewMore

Yes, this forum definitely has value for sharing ideas and information about all things LCHF.

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to SewMore

This sounds reasonable. Personally I don't have a problem with occasional photos of meals, but I wouldn't like to see the group turn into Facebook ("look what I had for dinner today"). There needs to be some sort of point to such posts, otherwise the group just gets swamped with irrelevancies.

And as others have mentioned, we really do need some pinned posts with clear instructions. A lot of people who dip their toes in the LCHF water end up doing it completely wrong (usually because of some foolishness written by nutritionists) and fail. That really shouldn't happen.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to TheAwfulToad

Related, it should be OK to feedback on food, without people taking offence. If we can't teach and learn from each other, what's the point? A while ago someone shared a dessert they thought was low carb. I fed the ingredients into cronometer, and it came up as 32g/serve! I kept that to myself because - well, you know.

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to Subtle_badger

I hate with a passion this modern habit of getting offended about everything. It stifles conversations and reduces everything to discussions of trite banalities that are guaranteed to offend nobody.

Every thread on the internet seems to be a sort of weird game of musical chairs where the first person to get most offended wins the thread. Apparently HU follow the zeitgeist with a policy of taking every complaint seriously, regardless of its merits.

PandQs profile image
PandQs in reply to TheAwfulToad

I misread that as trite bananalities and thought "how appropriate!"

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to PandQs

In current year, that would actually be a good name for a dessert :)

"I'll have the steak, and a glass of the house red, and a trite bananality to follow, please".

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to SewMore

This gets to the heart of what I was asking. What do we mean by support? I would like it to be the sort of support that is actually helpful, but others clearly want the support to be like on the healthy eating forum where the only acceptable response to any food sharing is "that looks delicious".

Which way should we go?

springersrule profile image
springersrule in reply to Subtle_badger

I'm going to jump in with both feet and then hide lol. For me personally i don't post on here as quite often, whilst trying to be helpful, the replies can come across as a full frontal attack not constructive criticism or alternatives to improve what's being eaten. I don't think anyone needs soft soaping but some of the strong responses are off putting. I do think the replies come from a good place from people who are passionate about LCHF, but for someone new or relatively new to LCHF it does make it seem an unfriendly place. A bit like 'my way or the highway'.

I follow LCHF but i'm sure i get it wrong a lot of the time - i bit like licking my finger and sticking it in the air lol. For me it can be really confusing as to what macro ratios i should aim for (yes i've watched lots of videos and read up, but still a bit confused). I don't do full keto or TRE, i like my 3 meals a day and not feeling hungry. I also like to eat big portions. What i've done so far has worked wonderfully for me, I've lost 59kg since Sept 2020 (whilst being on crutches due to a pending knee op), but i would like to perfect it while i finish the weight loss journey (about another 15kg) ready for maintaining.

I admit i would most likely get my answers if i posted the questions but to be honest I'm scared to because of the tone of the replies i might get. Pinned posts with this sort of info would be a great addition. xx

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to springersrule

OMG, 59kg! I am sure I can teach you nothing. I will sit at your feet and learn

springersrule profile image
springersrule in reply to Subtle_badger

Lol. My method is a lot of winging it and a lot of veg 😂 some days my carbs are 25g others nearer 100g but across a week my average is 56g. On MFP the macros pie chart shows mainly fats (60-70%) then similar %ages of carbs and protein.

Oh i'm sure i have a lot to learn 😊 xx

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to springersrule

I've noticed a lot of newcomers try to reinvent LCHF - typically to make it compatible with the NHS's EatWell plate. So for example they'll say that they're "not ready" to go completely low-carb, or that they're still counting calories, or that they think "all that fat" is unhealthy and that they're going to eat high-protein instead.

To which the only honest answer is: that's probably not going to work out well.

It's the nature of LCHF that it has a fairly narrow prescription, at the beginning at least (after the first few weeks, it becomes progressively more free-and-easy). Particularly if you're approaching it as a diabetic or prediabetic, you have to follow the instructions on the tin or, at best, you're going to get suboptimal results. At worst, you'll get no results at all and conclude that LCHF is a sham.

I suppose that becomes doubly confusing in that once you've got through the first few weeks religiously following the plan, it's better to stop worrying about "macros" and just enjoy your food. In fact I'd argue that just enjoying your food, without counting anything, is one primary benefit of LCHF.

Anyway ... it seems rather unlikely that you've been "doing it wrong" if you've lost 59kg! We really need a lot more stories like yours for people to refer to - how and why you started, any initial mistakes you made that (in retrospect) you wouldn't do again, and how it all panned out.

springersrule profile image
springersrule in reply to TheAwfulToad

Thanks TheAwfulToad. In retrospect, when i first started LCHF i was probably consistently having about 35g carb a day and not always enough fats but as i've experimented more with different and new to me foods (i very rarely cooked before starting my journey) some days are higher as i do like chickpeas and lentils, and some of the higher carb veg.

I think my eating plan is probably unconventional but does work for me. My 'problem ' comes with wanting to do things properly despite the adage 'if it aint broke, don't fix it'. I fixed the broken bits last year but i still want to fix what i don't see as doing it right lol My conscience gives me a hard time 😊

I will try and make time to post my journey on this forum tomorrow. I haven't been frightened off this morning 😂😂 xx

Ps i hope to get my 60kg badge on the weight loss forum tomorrow 😊

Professor-Yaffle profile image
Professor-Yaffle in reply to springersrule

I would like to read about your journey if, on reflection, you felt brave enough to post it here this morning.

I just had a look over in the weight loss community (I weigh-in on Fridays) and I see you got your 60kg badge. Well done, amazing accomplishment!!🎈🎉🥂

springersrule profile image
springersrule in reply to Professor-Yaffle

Thanks Profesdor-Yaffle. I'm working on it, its a bit long at the moment 😂 xx

Professor-Yaffle profile image
Professor-Yaffle in reply to springersrule

Great. I'm off out for a bank holiday walk and will look forward to reading your story this evening 👍

Icicles profile image

I would welcome some formal arrangements here. I find many of the posts these days really unhelpful. I’d like it to be a source of support and safety for members to make life changing decisions about food. Having lost some weight, mine’s going back up again, but I haven’t wanted to hang out here because of some of the bullying going on. I can’t imagine what it’s like for someone to stagger here for help and then read the utter rubbish that is posted, as if it is forum approved. With any challenging met with more bullying and no ability to apply sanctions. So yes to rules and sanctions please!

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirl in reply to Icicles

I like Cosmo501 's suggestion of regular posts with useful information. I know it can degenerate when people head off-topic but if the positive, useful stuff were encouraged and the negative, disruptive stuff ignored, perhaps the forum could rebuild as the useful resource you and others are looking for.

I agree with you about the importance of first impressions, and if first impressions are misleading information and wrangles, that can be very offputting. But without any Administrators, it is difficult to manage

BridgeGirl profile image

Regarding discussion about 'support', I've found the best support to be that which questions/challenges me and encourages me to think. I don't have a lot of time for the head-patting, "There there" type of support.

in reply to BridgeGirl

I do feel it would be nice if that went both ways, though. Some of the complaining here about the behaviour of another is rather interesting, when I have witnessed a lot of evangelical touting from certain lchf members on other forums, here, and a scant regard for those who have other perspectives. It is one of the reasons I moved away from regular attendance on hu, because I got rather fed up of being treated like a brainless idiot for not happening to wholly subscribe to the latest, 'everybody's been wrong for the last 30 years and it's all the fault of the doctors' notions.I am disappointed to see that whilst another individual got rightfully held up for criticising an Hu forum, another openly condemns the weigh-ins, which have been a great support and source of help and advice to many, including myself, as 'counterproductive'.

30 years ago, I could have found as many studies by reputable doctors (though not on video, obviously), telling us something very different. Who is to say in another 30 years it won't have changed again? Such is the nature of study.

It is not 'demonstrably not true' that counting calories doesn't work. There are success stories there as well as failures, and the same thing is true of lchf. It would be nice to be able to discuss lchf as what it is. A diet, which reduces calories by a means other than counting. That's fine, great when it works, but I think we can all do without the comparative religion that seems to have sprung up about it to the point where every body else's methods and theories are given short shrift.

I, personally, feel the evangelism is rather blinkered, and having, indeed, done a lot of research on this, it isn't quite as cut and dried as some would have you believe, and it certainly doesn't negate 'calories in, calories out'. It simply makes lighter work of it by removing some of the associated hunger.

Is lchf good? Yes, if it works for you, it is a healthy way of life. But it isn't the only way, nor is it a magic bullet.

I still wouldn't be posting spuds on an lchf forum - why would you? By the same token, though, perhaps posts about people enjoying success by other means could not be peppered with, 'it won't last and it won't work because it isn't the almighty lchf.'

How's THAT for a rant, lol.

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to

>> It simply makes lighter work of it by removing some of the associated hunger.

I would say that's one hell of a plus point. Given this feature, one has to ask : "why on earth would you want to do it with the hunger"? What's the advantage?

I really can't fathom this "it isn't a magic bullet" argument. So what if it isn't? There are very few "magic bullets" in life, but since LCHF (or, as I prefer to call it, healthy eating) does the trick for most people, most of the time, then why not try it in the first instance? All therapies work this way: the "first line treatment" is the one that is most likely to have the desired effect. If it doesn't work, you try something else. It's not about dogma, but the statistical likelihood of success.

Calorie-counting is so far behind in efficacy that it's barely even worth considering, particularly since caloric restriction invariably means low-fat. I have never seen anybody assert a three-year failure rate better than 80% (most authorities suggest 95%+). That's a pretty poor result. More importantly - in my opinion - calorie-counting directly contradicts a whole slew of established physiology (not to mention basic physics). There is no reason to believe that it ought to work. So it's hardly surprising that it doesn't.

The bottom line is that this here is the LCHF group. Nothing wrong with a bit of navel-gazing and debate. But we don't want the forum swamped by it. Debates are interesting for those doing the debating, but less so for those who aren't!

in reply to TheAwfulToad

Well, you and I don't entirely agree on this and we know that, don't we? I still don't know what 'basic physics' there is that doesn't support the highly logical and totally accurate understanding that consuming more than you put out will lead to weight gain. And the 'magic bullet' argument is because it has, in the past, been sold as that to members, wrongly, in my opinion. But we won't rehash all that. Bottom line is, I agree with you about the navel gazing and debate, and not having the forum swamped by it. But at one point the whole of hu was swamped with it, resulting in some messages popping up on my feed of people thinking the whole site was lchf and being decidedly put off by it. I suspect the current agitator may have been so motivated, and is provoking for the sake of it. As, you might argue, am I, but in all fairness, I have seen similar behaviour elsewhere on Hu in the rather high-handed approach by lchf evangelists, and can't help feeling all this is a little, 'pots calling kettles black'.And on that note, I exit stage left, pursued by a bear, promising not to darken this particular door again, but fully willing to support all members in their journey, however they choose to do it.

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to

>> I still don't know what 'basic physics' there is that doesn't support the highly logical and totally accurate understanding that consuming more than you put out will lead to weight gain.

It boils down to a couple of things:

- The fact that the power-handling capacity of your muscles, liver and fat cells is finite. That imposes a set of constraints on how power (incoming and outgoing) may be split between them.

- Apart from those hard constraints, the way metabolic energy is routed to/from different subsystems is also determined by your body's metabolic goals, not by a passive "overflow" of energy from here to there.

A completely passive system couldn't work even in theory. This is actually an interesting thought experiment - consider what would happen if human bodies did in fact work the way nutritionists believe they work. You will find that it's not just a suboptimal solution, but under certain circumstances, biological constraints would be violated so severely that you'd die.

If you already have a solid understanding of Newton's laws, thermodynamics, and the use of differential equations to describe dynamic systems, I'd be happy enough to have a long rambling debate on the subject! Feel free to bring the bear along.

The physiology behind all this is well-understood and well-documented. If you really want to get into it, I suggest Campbell's Notes to begin with, and then some of the online biochemistry resources (various universities publish such things) once you have the basics in hand.

in reply to TheAwfulToad

Interestingly enough, this debate rages on amongst many senior professors with the same level of education on the subject, but with different conclusions, as is so with many theories of a scientific nature. Such debates, however, require a mutual acknowledgement of separate understandings of the same but arriving at different conclusions. Then, there can be an analysis of why those conclusions differ. Unfortunately, I don't think that mutual respect is there in this case. I perceive, rather, that your perspective is that you will be schooling me in something 'basic' which you perceive I do not have because I have not reached the same conclusions as you. My perception may be incorrect, there, but on past evidence, I doubt it.If I thought you'd be open to the possibility that you are, whilst not wholly incorrect, rather more incomplete in your understanding than you realise, I would be happy, away from this forum, to engage as I enjoy very much scientific debate. I generally prefer, though, that my opponent starts with the consideration of equal terms. If that isn't there, then the debate becomes, simply, an entrenched argument.

in reply to

Don’t forget Antigonus met his death at the hands (claws) of that bear! 😂 Agree with you totally Hidden

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to

I am disappointed to see that whilst another individual got rightfully held up for criticising an Hu forum, another openly condemns the weigh-ins, which have been a great support and source of help and advice to many, including myself, as 'counterproductive'.

Well, that's kind of my point. The individual got told off because it was done in a forum with moderators and rules, while the other post was here, without moderators or rules,so unless it broke some HU rule, what could be done.

(In case anyone doesn't know, I wrote the offending post, which I have now censored. I left the weightloss forum for a different reason, but after I did, I realised the pursuit of badges and weekly weigh-ins were quite psychologically damaging to me. Might be worth a discussion at some point, but not just a throw away line)

Gizmocat profile image

I agree with many of the comments made by others. When I first joined I had recently been diagnosed prediabetic and knew nothing about LCHF. I found a lot of useful information here particularly from TAT and others who now seem to have disappeared. By learning how LCHF could help reduce my blood sugars and reducing carbs and eating more healthy food I reduced my blood sugars to normal and have maintained it by continuing to follow LCHF although more liberal now.

As a host of a weigh in on the weight loss forum I find many people start their journeys like me having been diagnosed prediabetic or T2. I often used to refer them here as a source of useful information. I no longer do that and as others have said rarely post here now as there seems to be a lot unhelpful posts and unpleasantness. This has obviously been off putting to many existing members as few seem to post here now and would certainly be off putting to a new member starting out and looking for information on starting LCHF.

I would like to see some admins. If TAT and Mike are willing that would be great. Also pinned posts so that information can be founds easily. At present it seems to be impossible to find information which I remember being useful to me. This needs to be a place where people can ask questions and get a helpful and informative reply and some of us who have been following LCHF for a while can give information and suggestions to new members about swapping to LCHF. As others have said at present any comments or suggestions seem to be met with unhelpful and aggressive response.

Let's have an overhaul and some regulation similar to the weigh loss forum and get this forum back to the helpful and informative place it used to be.

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to Gizmocat

It occurs to me that what we need here is a "lightning rod" thread, where people can discuss the pros and cons of LCHF without detracting from the main purpose of the group, which (IMO) is to promote the LCHF way of eating and offer advice to newcomers. Or possibly two or three threads where common themes can be discussed: "does calorie-counting work?", "what's wrong with low-fat?", etc.

I'm not sure if the HU platform supports such a thing, but I guess we could achieve the desired result simply by having the admins post a message in any thread that looks like it's going off into the weeds, something to the effect of "take it to the lightning rod thread please guys". Threads seem to stay around for ever, so that ought to work.

in reply to TheAwfulToad

I was on a writing website for a long time which had different debate forums. They had a system which worked exactly like that, to get political and religious debate away from the forum spaces about grammar, syntax and the art of writing a decent opening to a novel. It worked well. People would get, as you say, redirected to the appropriate space. For a time, the site removed the religious and political spaces. They were reinstated after public outcry when all the politicos and religious started invading discussions on the finer aspects of a sonnet. In short, it's a good idea.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to TheAwfulToad

I don't agree. Yes, if this was an entire website, sure, but it's just one part of HU. If you think LCHF is unhealthy, then go to - say - the healthy eating part of the site and create a new post. Coming here to argue that LCHF is unhealthy is trolling.

Would you go to a vegan forum to argue they should eat meat? Well, you could, but you will almost certainly be banned when you do. In fact, if we get mods/admins I would suggest we copy their description.


About Vegan Foods for Life

Vegan Foods for Life is a community for vegans and those interested in learning more about the vegan diet to chat and support each other. Feel free to share your questions, thoughts, recipe ideas and anything else you want to chat about!

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to Subtle_badger

While I agree with you in principle (other forums do exist if you want to post about how terrible LCHF is), I suggested a 'take it elsewhere' thread because I don't like the idea of banning people purely for posting contradictory ideas.

Even if someone is trolling or spouting nonsense, I'd prefer to give people the opportunity to take the discussion to a thread designed for, um, feeding the trolls. If they persist, then of course banning them is an option.

It's a tough one. I want to make sure that when newcomers arrive they see a consistent message and not a load of back-biting and religious wars. OTOH I don't like the idea of telling people to bugger off if they've coming here with a (genuine if misguided!) intent to play devil's advocate and want to debate the whys and wherefores with LCHF adherents.

TheAwfulToad profile image

I don't think you've been "targeted", Happyman.

If you're referring to your feud with Subtle_badger , what would you expect an admin to do? Unless you want us to arrange a one-on-one showdown, in which you're both thrown into the ring armed only with a paperback copy of Michael Greger's "How Not to Die" to beat each other to death with, there aren't many options.

Surely, it would be best for both of you to just avoid talking to each other, but I deliberately haven't got involved much in those discussions.

If you're referring to your habit of posting pictures of high carb meals and advising people to reduce fat and/or calorie-count, you must surely realise that (considering this is the LCHF group) you'll get a robust response to these. Really, what else would you expect?

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with starting debates about carbs. I've done it a few times myself! But you must be prepared to defend your position politely. At 71, you're very much a grownup and should be able to do this without resorting to calling people bullies or trolls. Apart from anything else, it puts potential new members off when they come here and see people flinging poo at each other.

As for what's appropriate and/or being blinkered, I'd say the line is crossed when you're posting things that are not only demonstrably untrue - for example, your recent assertion that obesity is all down to calories - but don't even fit your own experience. You succeeded with LCHF. So why on earth would you then start advising people to do something different?

Subtle_badger profile image

For the record, I have only ever had one account here. The person who was driven away by a completely inappropriate remark ("tongue in cheek" is the last refuge of a scoundrel) was not me, but she is a kindred spirit with whom I am now a Facebook friend and - covid willing - soon to be a real life friend.

Professor-Yaffle profile image

Hello all.

Great to read peoples ideas about what they want this space to be and how they want this group to function. I agree with lots of what has been said.

Perhaps this is solely my own issue but I also think this;

Yesterday I posted something, in passing, about peanut butter. My brain is now in group process mode, so I spent a little while wondering how my comment could be perceived by different people, and what any comment I make contributes to the general feel of the community. I’m now thinking about what it would be like if someone new to LCHF read my comment.

If I wrote all my comments as if a person who is completely new to LCHF (and maybe even new to thinking about nutrition generally) was reading, I might be tempted to do a lot of caveating - I'm a bit prone to caveating anyway.

It's great to have info aimed those starting out with LCHF but it would also be nice to feel comfortable to just say things and presume some level of knowledge about this particular way of eating. I’m not talking about feeling safe or expecting support (although I do think both these things can be valuable sometimes) and I’m certainly not talking about everyone agreeing about LCHF. I suppose I feel like I would benefit from a place where some/most people understand what I am saying without me having to go back to basics. I don’t really mind if people agree, I just want sometimes to be able to talk without having to explain. Not sure if that makes sense….

For example, for me it's the difference between saying;

"peanut butter"

or feeling I have to say;

"100% peanut, peanut butter (maybe with some salt added), which I don't eat every day and perhaps one "shouldn't" eat in their “induction phase”. Oh and maybe some people may need to not have peanut butter in their house at all, because it's basically one step down from crack. Anyway best to check the label as quite a few have added sugar"

A lot of this may very well be my own neurosis...... 🧐💭

Great if this community can help people find a new way of eating that vastly benefits their health! Perhaps that's what it should mainly be about? It would also be great if people who already eat like this don’t feel they need to explain stuff. Therefore, I strongly agree with those above who have said pinned posts with some basic guides and perhaps links to the diet doctor visual food guides would be useful for those considering this way of eating for the first time.

My other thoughts are;

I like the idea of a space for conflict or a lightning rod thread or whatever - sounds exciting. The exchange in this thread (above) captures a relevant debate and though both TheAwfulToad and Sherlock20 seem to suggest they have had this conversation many times before, at least there is some energy in the thread, more so than in many other discussions I have seen here. I know some people are suggesting that newcomers may shy away from engaging in threads where there seems to be conflict but I personally think it’s valuable (not the other type of conflict about the “trolling” and the like though).

I like the idea of sharing frustrations and rants, but I know that can also put people off.

I think mundane posts about the content of one’s shopping basket or what you ate for dinner can be quite fun and I enjoy them. Educational posts, serious debate, airing tensions and frustrations, light relief, let’s have all of that please!!! And I will personally try to be mindful that some people are also here to give/receive support. 🌈

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to Professor-Yaffle

No, I entirely agree. I have posted several threads about carby foods myself. Not eating them makes me reflect on them. And of course you can eat carbs in moderation, and still be low carb. And you can eat an occasional high carb treat and still be welcome into the fold.

But it was the incessant drumbeat of meals that all feature carbs, including a huge baked potato. I really sat on my hands for a long time, and when I did comment, it was mild and about the food, not the person.

in reply to Subtle_badger

I must say, I have just recently tuned into your latest food posts, badger, and realised that what I like about reading food posts is the variety. I love that you went to a Turkish shop. Greek yoghurt is a s exotic as it gets where I live. Saying that, though, for some reason we do get nice polish sausage. And I can't really complain about the cost of prawns when we are coming into fresh caught crab season.

Professor-Yaffle profile image
Professor-Yaffle in reply to


Professor-Yaffle profile image
Professor-Yaffle in reply to Subtle_badger

I hear you. And I do definitely get where you're coming from, as per my long rant on the other thread! 😊

Professor-Yaffle profile image

More thoughts, I'm a group process geek;

Attached is a photo of interventions/dimensions that are relevant for group spaces and particularly for group facilitation styles. They are present when people engage in group stuff and we all have different preferences and tolerances for giving/receiving/experiencing these qualities. They are either from the work of Bion or John Heron…. not quite sure….

Particular groups will have norms, things that are allowed, and other things not allowed. Other parts of HU have very very little confrontation as a norm and some probably have quite a lot;

My personal preferences are;

Directive - non directive …. I don’t mind, both and anything in-between are great. Some people hate direction and some people thrive with it. I personally feel comfortable, having received some unwanted direction, to simply say thanks and then discard it. Some people really love directing others, great, ……. some other people think that’s patronising, each to their own. I imagine a lot of people come to a community like this wanting to receive direction and there are clearly a collection of people with the knowledge and interpersonal skills to guide people.

Interpretive - non-interpretive ……… I’m quite an interpreter but I like to think I do it in a curious way, sometimes it comes across differently no doubt. I can’t personally see the point off not trying to make sense of stuff. Important to makes links between what’s happening and why it’s happening and then to understand what’s going on in some sort of framework of information and ideas.

Confronting- non-confronting……. I believe if we want to engage authentically then we sometimes confront people. I certainly don’t think people who confront others respectfully should be labelled as “trolls”. I also think we need to be sensitive to the other person’s circumstances, sometimes that might be hard to do in/on an internet forum. I have said elsewhere that I’m a bit of a lover of anarchy, but maybe if we are to have confrontation here we also need a facilitator or “admin” or whatever the role is…. otherwise conflict is not “contained” and this seems to have put quite a lot of people off (not me, I think it’s interesting).

Cathartic - non cathartic …. both are SO important, I like to be in touch with my feelings and why shouldn’t I express them, but I also like science, fact, observation, general noticing of things that are happening in the present etc. Sometimes expressing my feelings might not be appropriate so I’ll contain them internally instead. Some people might want to use this community to feel soothed by others….. great if that works, why not?

Structuring - non-structuring….. I’m not the biggest fan of structure of bureaucracy, in fact, I really struggle with it! but I reluctantly agree that some rules and structure are needed sometimes, hence I agree about the pinned posts. Lots of people seem to be asking for more structure and I think there is some king of plan emerging for this to be actualised. I kind of want to be naughty and try to sabotage the plan for structure......

Disclosing - non-disclosing ……. I don’t want to disclose my view on this one 😆.... I think I'm quite obviously a relatively disclosing person but mainly about thoughts and processes … you will not find me disclosing what I have for lunch and dinner everyday but I do enjoy seeing what others are eating (still very new to social media - the novelty hasn’t worn off I guess). I very much enjoy reading other peoples stories. Some people have disclosed stuff about bowl movements 😁 - fine by me and very relevant!

Behaviour in groups....
Midori profile image

I agree with you; it's the total amount of carbs, not the odd spud. Likewise bread, crackers and other carbs, Low Carb is not No Carb!

Midori profile image

My like button is playing up too!

This community definitely needs some guidelines. I am not much of a “poster” but I was reading posts regularly. I recently stopped reading so often as there just seems to be so much griping between certain members that it has become quite unpleasant. New members looking for guidance are not going to get what they are looking for if all they see are snide comments from members who obviously don’t get along.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to

Thanks. I was (I think innocently) part of the problem. I am now trying to be part of the solution. Let's see if we can make this place welcoming and useful again. 🤞

Thank you Subtle_badger LCHF is an important relativity new way of eating for a lot of people and we need to get as much information about it as we can.

Certain posts contain inaccuracies and these need to be pointed out or readers (me included) may well go down the wrong path. What is frustrating is that certain people do not like these inaccuracies pointed out and the whole thing descends into a bit of a (low carb) bun fight and important facts get lost.

I look forward to seeing the forum return to its previous welcoming state - I’ve missed it. 🙂

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