Farewell from Slim_for_good - Low-Carb High-Fat...

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Farewell from Slim_for_good

Subtle_badger profile image
40 Replies

Due to unpleasantness on another part of healthunlocked, Slim_for_good decided to delete her account. Fortunately we have become Facebook friends, so i am still in touch with her.

She wants me to thank everyone for their support, and particularly asked me to thank TheAwfulToad

This place will be poorer without her. 😔

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Subtle_badger profile image
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40 Replies
AnnieW55 profile image

Please pass on my thanks and good wishes. I have no idea what has caused her to make the decision (and I’m not prying) but I am sorry it is one that she felt had to be made.

jd65 profile image

Just spotted this on my home page.

I’m sorry that she’s had to leave. Can you please pass on my best wishes and hope that she keeps up her fabulous new healthy lifestyle. She is an inspiration. Thank you.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to jd65

Will do.

She seems to have a large and supportive community on Facebook. She'll be OK.

Could she not just leave that forum and stay with us or isn’t that possible? xx

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to

I think she just wanted to see the back of the place. I wouldn't rule out her coming back some time in the future

I will try to encourage her to do so.

Will you pass on my good wishes to her please , she has been so very supportive xx

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to Iwilldothisthisyear

Will do.

In defence of the moderators, aren’t they all volunteers, no formal training?

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to

I may have overstepped the mark. It's not my place to assign blame, so deleted.

monday1957 profile image

Ah, that feels like a real body blow. I'm sorry that she felt she had to leave. Please pass on my best to her - her contributions were always interesting and definitely inspired me 🙋🏽

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to monday1957

Thanks. I will tell her.

Her 4 hormones is a classic of the genre.


Whydothis profile image
Whydothis in reply to Subtle_badger

I have just read this again, and it is definitely a classic.

Very sad she is going - please pass on my good wishes.

monday1957 profile image
monday1957 in reply to Subtle_badger

I loved reading this exchange of messages. There's so much information there, but also so much about people's lives and various struggles. Slim's (now 'Hidden's' 😒) contributions will be sorely missed.

Sheperdess profile image

I am sorry to see her go. Her journey was inspiring and I loved reading about her progress. She made helpful posts and was always so modest about her achievements. I wish her well for the future 😊

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to Sheperdess

All agreed. I will pass on your remarks.

SquirrelNutkin profile image

Sorry but I don’t think it is any way fair or proper to criticise the running of another Forum like this. Mods are volunteers but all the ones I have dealt with have spent masses of their own time making sure that things are run fairly and by the HU rules.

Think there is plenty of sides to any story.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to SquirrelNutkin

Sure. I have deleted my reference to her issues. I have some constructive criticisms to offer the mod team - genuinely constructive, i can suggest rules to guide them in such circumstances. I haven't done so yet.

So i have deleted my blame comment above following you posting this. If you delete your comment, i will then delete this one.

I have been a moderator on many occasions (though not on here). It's a thankless task.

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden in reply to Subtle_badger

I have read all of these heartwarming messages, and I can't see anyone casting blame at the Moderator's, or, towards the other forum. We collectively find it sad, that Sim-for-good, has left, and, why she felt that she had to say goodbye.

I am new to HU, and it is invaluable. This week however, has seen some rather odd, and slightly rude, posts from members (who I have not heard of before)....maybe it's the Covid stress, or the heat, frying their brains! either way, it does not excuse rudeness!

SB, please ask SFG to come back (she's worth a 100 of him) :)

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to Shield-Maiden

There are the occasional trolls, even here. The Admins and Mods jump on them as soon as they find them, but the occasional one gets through for a time.

Cheers, Midori

SquirrelNutkin profile image
SquirrelNutkin in reply to Subtle_badger

I stand by my comments.

There are lots of people here who have identified the Forum involved, and criticisms are being made here which the moderators from that Forum can’t defend or comment on. Again. Many sides to a story.

As you say you have done the job of a moderator I am surprised you have thought a post encouraging criticisms is OK to be out there and as you left this post unlocked people doing Google searches can find all these comments and the whole thing brings both Forums into disrepute.

in reply to SquirrelNutkin

Well said.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to SquirrelNutkin

Then stop talking about moderators. And stop attacking me after I removed my comment!

Lytham profile image
Lytham in reply to SquirrelNutkin

Here here ! :-) x

Subtle_badger profile image

Yeah,she was amazing defending you. She's a whirlwind to have on your side.

I hope she will come back, i will let her know your feelings.

Shield-Maiden profile image

I totally agree...please ask her to come back.

From what I gather, it was down to a rude person on the weight loss part of HU...and, not on here.

Please tell her that I will miss her not being around.

Sorry, I should have replied to SB.

Cosmo501 profile image

What, what what?? Subtle_badger Please say hello to @slim_for_good from me! Really very sorry to hear she has left... Hope she is ok. xx

bigleg profile image

I was thrown off by HealthUnlocked several years ago because I was providing evidence. Too many of the groups are driven by our NHS and/or industry 'so called' charities.

It was wonderful when this group was set up and I come in as time permits. Mike Pollard allerted me to it as we met some years ago through HealthUnlocked. I only take time with this group and the Lymphoedema group (the condition I have lived with for 60+ years now).

It is a waste of our time with those groups that are controlled by industry dogma vs science and evidence.

Have to say, not happy to see an ad appearing here for a pharma company. Can you all see it - Lloyds Pharmacy? But I suppose we cannot expect such a platform without some ability for those providing it to generate revenue to support it.

No money in healthy people!!

PandQs profile image
PandQs in reply to bigleg

I can see the advert. I haven't investigated it, but looks like a way of getting prescriptions delivered to your home. Whilst we were in lockdown I know a number of people who struggled to get their prescriptions. I was shielded but fortunately my family were able to collect mine for me. I understand what you may be thinking about pharma companies, but I think this ad may actually benefit people in difficulty.

Sorry to hear, wish her all the best from me if you would please . She has supported me these last few days since joining on here.

LottieMW profile image

Oh no! Please send best wishes. She will be missed.

Shield-Maiden profile image

Sorry, I am not talking about anyone....I don't know who the person was.

Clearly though (in my opinion) he was unpleasant to Slim-for-good, and, unnecessarily so, also, it was not warranted... the message sent to her, was obviously bad enough, that she left, so it definitely could not have been a positive message.

Sorry that the word I used (rude) was offensive to you; I was posting my support for SFG, not intending, or, wanting, to start an argument.

I did try to find the post in question, but the page had been deleted; I knew about it, because I used to follow SFG, and so I received notification of her post, in my email inbox.

That's all. Sorry that I upset you THM.

How sad that she had to leave send my good wishes to her please🍏🍎

Lesley1234567 profile image

I don’t know what has been wrote or who by. Except it seems like a moderator is involved.

As moderators are volunteers and do a good job keeping the forum running, I think they can be allowed the occasional blip.

Sometimes when we are distracted or not in a good place we write and say things which under different circumstances we wouldn’t .

I’m sorry someone has been upset, as everyone who writes on here has been supportive either by their advice, humour, sensitivity and consistently being there when someone needed advice/support. However, sometimes we can all get a little bit carried away with our thoughts on paper.

I hope the issue can be resolved and continue to support everyone on this forum.

We all have our reasons for being here and some have been here a very long time. Everyone please continue to support.

Shield-Maiden profile image

Enjoy :)

And, thank you.

Climb007 profile image

Thanks S_B for letting us know. I was so upset at the news of her departure. Please pass on my gratitude for her inspiration and support.

Mary x

CautiousK profile image

So sorry to hear this. I hate any sort of ill feeling and quite understand the need to alleviate the problem.

I hope she is in a happy , content space now x


SewMore profile image

Hi SB,

I’m sorry to hear this, I found the posts from SFG helpful and supportive.

Send her my best wishes to maintain her healthy lifestyle. Hopefully after CV19 finally finishes, the forum gets more friendly and less divisive again.



Midori profile image

That's a shame she may feel she has been bullied off the Forums. I hope she will eventually change her mind and come back.

Cheers, Midori

TheAwfulToad profile image

Um ... that was unexpected.

I've been away for a few days so I have absolutely no idea what all that was about. I can take a guess though. I've had a couple of similar run-ins myself. SfG also mentioned to me that she got a sh*tstorm of abuse on other social media plaforms for mentioned LCHF. I guess something must have just made her think "I've had enough of this".

I do hope she'll come back at some point. SfG (and indeed your good self) played a huge part in making the LCHF group what it is. She gave a whole lot of time and patience helping out the newbies and I'm really saddened to think she won't be doing it anymore. Please convey my best wishes and tell her not to let the b'sterds grind you down.

Personally I find it's best not to get too invested in social media. As someone mentioned back there, people seem to be on their worst behaviour on the Internet, but IMO there is also a very serious problem with UK and US culture in general: intolerance masquerading as tolerance, a general lack of debating skills, posturing/virtue-signalling, and an absolutely appalling failure in science education. Put all those together and you end up with a lot of people arguing over their own personal superstitions without any reference to objective reality, and it does get nasty. I participate on another forum (a very international crowd) where there is nothing like the toxic atmosphere you get on some HU groups (eg., Diabetes and Hypertension). LCHF in particular seems to be populated by smart people who can hold their own without getting outraged; several others, not so much.

I don’t understand about other forums, I thought this website was all health unlocked. I just don’t understand any of what you have said. Social media’s the wrong place for me. I am scared by your reply to me as well as to that other woman.

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