If you are wondering about this and that - the ‘best way’ to lose weight, reverse diabetes, feel better about your body image etc. you might like to reduce complexity (and the anxiety it engenders) by adopting the KISS principle (Keep Things Simple Stupid).
Essentially it boils down to this:
Change just ONE thing.
What I mean is, when everything else stays the same, changing that ONE thing HAS to make a difference one way or another, positive or negative, depending on whether you take a little out of your diet or add a little something in. Obviously we are aiming for the former but it’s very easy to introduce the latter. The main point is to do something DIFFERENT whilst keeping other factors the same. It could be something small like swapping cream in your coffee for milk, of something relatively big, like skipping breakfast. The former will make a small difference, the latter significantly more, but also, into the equation, you will have introduced a psychological change.
When you get used to that one change, you might like to then make another. Most people want swift and rapid results by reversing a lifetime of a bad diet whether going low fat or LCHF, but by relaxing, taking things slowly and being kind to yourself the results are more likely to be permanent.