So, a few weeks ago I became an ambassador for the Public Health Collaboration (PHC) and shortly afterwards presented an LCHF info pack to my GP. What response did I get back? Not even an acknowledgement despite me pointing to the success of Dr David Unwin and the monetary advantage for his practice and the NHS.
So, in the light of unequivocal, scientific evidence that LCHF reverses diabetes and could be the saviour of the NHS instead of bankrupting it, why is this the case?
Well, if you watch this video, this will give the reasons, multifaceted as they are.
You have been presented with this dilemma and when you enter the surgery with a problem and perhaps you hope a prescription is the answer. Well not for me - I go in fully informed and I know that as often as not, the pills being described will do me very little good unless the underlying problem is identified.
Have a look at this list and tell me my distrust of, what, statins is misplaced. Statins may have a place for some, but measured against a lifestyle change...?