My son is struggling at school again, his ‘mates’ bully him they are all ASD but access mainstream secondary with support.
Hes on week 7 of Benepali injections and was doing well but he’s gone back to the can’t do it frame of mind. I think the bullying has been targeting his arthritis and not being as active and able as them. He also has other health problems and visual impairments that they don’t have. He just wants to be normal so he’s not a target to anyone. Have tried to say he will look more vulnerable if he has to go to school using crutches and wheelchair again so the injection will help keep him ‘normal’
I’ve always taught him that there isn’t such a thing as normal and if we were all the same the world would be a boring place. But he’s nearly 15 now and it’s much more difficult.
School are trying to help but he’s struggled in schools his whole life. No point moving him now he’s about to be Y11.
at a loss on how to encourage him to take his medication when he’s much taller and bigger than me now.