As regular followers will know, September is International ITP Awareness Month.
We at the ITP Support Association have a number of events and happenings planned which we will be announcing soon. Many of these happenings will be simple things that we hope as many people as possible will participate in. The aim of the month is obviously to RAISE AWARENESS and we have specifically tried to devise ways that our followers and members can do that with a minimum of effort.
The aim of the campaign is to inform as many people as possible that ITP exists, what the symptoms are and where they can get help.
Raising awareness, raises interest, raises our profile, raises funds, raises research, raises knowldege and ultimately raises the chances of finding a cure. So anything that we can do , however small that may be in the Awareness Raising stage, is key to at least giving us a chance to unlocking the rest of the puzzle.
Over the next week we will be sending out details of the various events planned but if anyone else has any ideas, please do send them in, either by responding direct to this message or to my email.....