Hello,, I'm a newbie here and my son was diagnosed with ITP at 7 yo 3 weeks ago. I am from the Philippines I have read many times that papaya seeds and papaya leaf extracts can actually increase platelet counts. We are very abundant in papaya trees in our country, but I have no idea with the right dosage to give to my boy. Thank you so much and God bless!
What is the right dosage of papaya se... - ITP Support Assoc...
What is the right dosage of papaya seed or papaya leaf for 7 yo ITP patient?
In India we usually give 5-6 teaspoons twice a day.
Thank you!! Will try this later
do also give daily some peanuts,walnuts,dates,almonds,it will help.A freshly made green smoothie of kale,spinach will help immensely.No cold/processed/frozen food.
Spinach contains vitamin 'K' and that will thin the blood. Thin blood mean fewer blood platelets. Look into my information. Check me out. If I am correct stop the spinach treatments. I eat only a little spinach.
My son is now taking spinach, cauliflower, broccoli and carrot shake everyday and his bruises seems to improve a lot.. plus his intake of sweet potato juice regularly.. I am not really sure if it has something to do with the greens he's taking..
Iv also heard papaya leaves are meant to help alot. My daughter was diagnosed 1month ago. Struggling!
Please let me know if this works
Yes will do we just tried papaya seeds today, where are you from?
I've also done so much reading about ITP and most of them advises the patients to change their diet, more on fruits, veggies and vitamins.. and to stop taking processed foods..
Yes iv read the same.. iv been giving her as much fruit and veges as i can With the occasional treat.
So hard always saying no to everything she loves 🙄
I know how it feels my dear 😓 keeping them away from what they love, at such a young age.. It's a heartbreaking experience but we have to be strong for them.. Let's just give them the best care we can and pray that those counts arise the soonest!!
You might find information on this websites list of foods and supplements. Good luck.
Good afternoon kyriak51 here, hope this isn’t a duplicate post I started to respond while waiting to have my car serviced and may have not pushed “send”. There is absolutely NO SCIENTIFIC evidence that paypya leaf extract INCREASES platelets!!!! There drugs like a NPLATE ( romiplostim) that work by stimulating the bone marrow to increase platelet production . Please read Anthony Heard’s (ITP site administrator), posted on site. Go to Medscape.com or mayoclinic.org or this site to learn more.
Fruit and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet to sustain our bodies and promote a health. While most of our medications are plant based such as penicillin, digoxin, fentanyl ( pain medication) and many chemotherapeutic meds to treat cancer, papaya leaf extract is NOT one.
Please learn as much as you can about your disease process and it’s treatment. I hope this helped, be well kyriak51