Can anyone tell me if dizziness or pr... - ITP Support Assoc...
Can anyone tell me if dizziness or presyncope is known to be a symptom in ITP?

sorry not had any of these symptoms could it be any medication you have been given for ITP kind regards salmagal
sorry i cant help, my little boy who has chronic ITP, is so young i dont think he would understand what these symptons are. i agree with salmagal, its prob your meds, you should speak with your consultant, Take Care and good luck getting it sorted
Hi Davy, Sorry not heard of these being a symptom unless they are connected to the tiredness/fatigue from which many suffer. Sailor
Hi Davy, I have dizziness all the time but it is due to my blood pressure medication Doxazosin and not the ITP, sorry - like the others say - check out your meds with your doctor. Regards
Thank you all for your answers

I did get a bad reaction to Azathioprine Davy which did include dizziness, nausea, fever, sickness, rash but I have not had anything else like that from any of the other ITP treatments I have tried (Rituximab and Prednisolone are the other 2 treatments I have had).
I get dizzy spells, not very often, but had one this afternoon sitting at my desk. It felt like I was on a roller coaster. Luckily it passed quickly but it was very unpleasant. How long do your dizzy spells last?
It lasts only seconds. I feel like I'm going to faint if I don't sit down immediately, but before I find a chair it's over.
And yes, it's very unpleasant.
So how often do you get them? I think it has only happened a handfull of times to me, but I do feel like I am going to faint. Luckily I have never been driving when it happens or I would have to pull over immediately.
A couple of years ago I had them daily for a few weeks time. Then they dissapeared.
Recently I had one spell. I went to my GP. She said that it coundn't be low blood pressure because it was too high. All my blood tests were normal apart from the platelets. So she had no clue to the cause of the spell.
Oh my golly.... daily for a few weeks! I get them occassionally - like a wave then it goes very quickly. It is good to know someone else has them too. Take care.
I had at least one major blackout each time I've tapered off prednisolone (which I've had 2 courses of) and a few episodes of feeling light-headed, to the point where I've had to sit down pretty quickly as I felt
sorry, pressed wrong button ...
... as I felt I was going to pass out. The worst black out was one I had without notice, no warning signs - just keeled over in the bathroom and woke up some time later (probably about an hour or so as my arms were underneath me and were numb), with a hell of a headache where I'd hit my head on the bath on the way down. Fortunately the pred had worked and my count was over 200, so I just had a lump and a bruise. I was told that pred could lower blood pressure, but mine was always in the normal range at check-ups, so maybe it can just do sudden drops or something.
I don't wish to worry you but a friend of mine had bad dizzy spells and had long periods where he couldn't stand for long periods of time. Me and my partner suggested vertigo and to see a doctor, he had some medication which made it worse and gave him other side effects. After finally having a lumbar puncture done he was found to have multiple sclerosis, I suggest you press your doctor for further tests Dave, just to be on the safe side. To say we were shocked was an understatement, had he left it any longer he would have been wheel chair bound.
i have been getting dizzy spells and feel close to fainting some times since being diagnosed 4 months ago. i have mentioned it to my doctor but they havent really said anything

Hi Davy
I see your posts are from 3yrs ago, hope your still on here.
Did you ever get an answer to your dizziness as I'm having the same at mo, docs also can't explain why so given me sickness meds to help which they don't!!
Hi Lin6,
Sorry for the late answer.
The reason for my dizzy spells may be connected to my medication
I take diuretic medicine (Furosemid). Last year the dose was doubled and the spells came back. The nurse told me that it was a common side-effect but that it would go away and it did.
I hope you have found an explanation for your dizziness.