The list of food bad for ITP include all the current wonder foods to combat dementia, inflammation, wine, etc. Does anyone know of anti-inflammatory foods that are good for ITP?
The list of food bad for ITP include all the current wonder foods to combat dementia, inflammation, wine, etc. Does anyone know of anti-inflammatory foods that are good for ITP?
I have not seen such a list, where was it published? What are these “wonder foods”? Please sent a list or reference, thank you in advance Georgia
If ITP could be improved by diet, presumably the Docs would be telling us. Diet won't cure mine. I eat what I want, but don't drink much alcohol, avoid tonic water, and don't touch aspirin or ibuprofen either.
I have heard that tahini can depress platelets, but I still eat hummus.
Hi. I read a goofed list from the mayo clinic about what foods to eat to avoid Alzheimer’s. The only ones I see that are not in our ITP go tos are salmon, blueberries, possibly the olive oil and wine. Other than that we eat most of the other stuff.
Hi All,
I have a list that I thought was generated by this web site. When first diagnosed and terrified I followed it closely and raised my platelets from 32 to 67. Since then I've not been so careful. The list includes blueberries, curcumin, ginger, garlic, alcohol, quinine, etc., etc. and even says one shouldn't eat too much fish or Omegas. I'll try to find the list, which I found by researching "what foods are bad for ITP?", and post at some point.
Your platelet count changes daily, so unless you are getting a platelet count every day, how do you know it was the change in diet? My count is about 38 normally, but last time I had a blood test, it was 60. I came down with a cold over the next couple of days, as normally happens when my count is raised. I expect in November, the count will be around 38 again.
Hi again,
The web site I referred to Is the Platelet Disorder Support Association. It lists both foods that are detrimental to and foods that are good for ITP.
I think aside from quinine, the rest are simply blood thinning so they're only a problem when your platelets are low and you're susceptible to bleeding. Aside from that, alcohol can temporary slow down the creation of platelets so that's somewhat more relevant, though it varies from person to person. I avoid tonic and drink in moderation I don't do any other dietary precautions and try to keep a well balanced diet