I have been an itp patient since 7 years and fairly recovered well with ayurvedic medicines. I still jave itching in my legs and the skin seems to have blood clots similar to that of internal bleeding clots. My platelet count consistently stays between 45k and 70k after falling to as low as 8000 once
Itching in legs below calf: I have been... - ITP Support Assoc...
Itching in legs below calf

What do you recommend me to do
I am using NPLATE to kèep my platelets up they go up and have been staying up for about 3 weeks. I do get itching on my legs . My number s have been as low as 4000. But aft er 10 months they have been staying up in the 150000 and up but drop dramatically in 4th week.
Not sure if it's related to ITP but even I had got itching few times followed by small needle sized bruises all over the itching area. Guess itching was due to some allergic reaction and clots were becoz of Platelet problem. I was applying some steroid cream for itching which gradually reduced and clots disappear by themself.
Btw, what kind of ayurvedic medicine worked for you? Could you please share the doctor details as well.
The ayurvedic nedicines that worked for me were to enhance the immune system nanes are Karimpirumpadi, guduchi, Rohitkarishtam. The dr. Name is Shaila Pailoor from Mumbai contact details are 09833011993. What was the name of medicine tgat you used to clear clots.
Working with hematologic fir ITP just received 3 infusion of Rituxan first one took 7 hrs had yo take benadryl tylonal with a steroid because had reaction to Rituxan chills shakes they turned off 1st one then gave me Steroids benadryl then turned back on after hr of letting steroids and Benadryl worked. Now I am on 3 out of 4 taken my numbers way up from 44000 to 345000 now today I am up to 494,000 over 400000 mark. Each week I feel fine for about 3 hrs then have to rest I have lost 13 lbs in 3 weeks no appetite just feel tired hoping one next infusion my platelets stay up. Have not had to use Nplate for two weeks. So expensive and it just is a maintainer not fixer. If this puts me in remission is what hoping for.
Nplate is all that worked for me. I am in Tarpon Springs Florida go to Florida Affiliates my oncologist is Dr HAnsalia he's from India and really is a good Dr.
Yes have itching on calf area and ankle it helps to spray with apple cider vinegar. Then before bed wash it off put lotion on them this usually works