I've had 6 treatments of rituxan but it had no affect. I have also gone through several treatments of ivig which works but is short lived.
just started Imuran did that work for... - ITP Support Assoc...
just started Imuran did that work for anyone with ITP? I am on prednisone but the side effects are so awful so dr is trying to ween me off.
Hi Mamamoo I was alergic to Imuran ihad it in 2004 i had ivigs then they only worked for a short time i then had my spleen out i was in remission for 9 years. it came back in 2013 April had Had prednisone as i had to take this before they would start any other treatment i then went on Eltombag the tablets for 10 weeks did not work they then gave me rituxabum 4 times and went on Nplate injections weekly platlets went through the roof. I had the Rituxabum in the August my platlet took until 4th December to get right i have not had ANY medication since them yes
Hi, I had Imuran (Azathioprine) about 3years ago and have been in remission since Tried Prednisolone and the side effects were rotten. I started on 150mg day then after a few weeks my count rose from 9k to 14k then 21k the following week, it slowly rose to about 360k then reduced the Imuran to 100mg count went to about 260k and settled, then down to 50mg for about 6months or maybe a year, then stopped. My count settled about 220k and has been stable since with yearly blood checks. Good luck, the only side effects I had was dry eyes and hip pain. but that might have been off something else..
Hi, Azathioprine was trialled on me as a possible switch from prednisolone, I was on a high dosage and suffered with the side effects for 9 months and the docs could leave me on them no longer. The switch didn't work the results were not good enough. I even trialled a new IVIG from the old immunoglobulin and that had short term results. In the end I was taken off all medication as the only real results game from the steroids, so if my platelets drop they go for a shock of high dosage of steroids for a small time, to bring them up again. I haven't had rituximab yet but should I have a dip again I will ask about it. It's all trial and error until they find something the produces a reaction. Good luck
Prednisolone didn't really work for me, even in a high dose. Azathioprine was the next step and got my count up into the high hundreds after about eight weeks and an increasing dose (up to 150mg/day). After about seven or eight months I relapsed and count went back down to single figures. We've increased the dose to 200mg/day and I've had some IVIg to give me a boost while we see where it goes. I've not really had any side effects from the azathioprine, but you'll want monthly liver function tests.