Emotionally upset with infertility tr... - Infertility Support

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Emotionally upset with infertility treatments

nancy_diggs profile image
20 Replies

My husband and I have had a roller coaster ride over the last few years on the issue of having children. The scars have been more mental than physical. We have been through 4 failed IVF attempts, considered adoption and when nothing has worked, we are now seriously into surrogacy. But I am unable to come to terms with it. Are these natural, donor eggs and labs and tests and another mother for my baby? I am feeling very depressed. Can anybody put all these things in proper perspective?

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nancy_diggs profile image
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20 Replies
diannakey profile image

I do understand your concerns and it can be traumatic if not handled properly. I have had a child of my own before but later in life my husband and I decided to pursue surrogacy for another baby. It is true, the process of surrogacy takes away the intimacy of having children between couples and makes it such an open affair with so many people involved – the egg donor, the lab technician, the surrogate mother and the doctors. Beautiful moments of conception are turned into a production line scenario. But that’s the way it is if you cannot conceive through the natural process.

RashidaCSeger profile image

My case is a bit different from yours. My surrogacy program had my own egg and my DH’s sperm so we had the satisfaction of being the biological parents of our baby. Further, we kept close contact with the GC and every passing week, we did feel a close bond with our baby as we watched it grow in the GC. She was also open about it, her friends and family knew who the IP was and we developed a great degree of closeness. This helped to ease the pain of surrogacy somewhat.

Louiloo profile image

Honey, is it hard for you to think that the other woman's going to carry the child, who's actually yours? It should be hard and I've never been through this kind of things. But I would think of her as of a blessing! When there's no other way, isn't it a miracle that the other woman is able to carry YOUR child? :) Maybe you can find any communities for surrogate mothers, to kind of get closer with them. I think it can be a relief if you talk to them. Maybe they can share their stories, feelings, experiences.

I know it's painful. It's totally unfair that some of us can't get pregnant!!! But I think if we turn for help we should trust those who are helping us. It doesn't happen right away. So I'd suggest to make a step forward towards ladies, who can give a birth to YOUR child.


Hi Nancy, firstly you've made it this far after an extremely difficult journey, so well done! Secondly remember what you had before this journey and what you still have - a loving partner, supportive family, a job you enjoy, whatever that maybe. Never lose sight of all the good things in your life - this journey doesn't have to define you. You're about so much more!

Lastly and I hope you don't mind me saying this, have you considered counselling? Most large employers offer it for free or your GP might. I'm doing it after 5 losses, as it's just such a lot to deal with. I'd recommend it :) Take care and be kind to yourself, this is a difficult time but you WILL come out the other side I promise!

Natalie x

Sonya22 profile image

hi! Indeed, sometimes it's difficult to fight with an unbearable sadness when the hands go down. I like to say in such cases: I know that the problem is great. But compared to me it's negligible. And you must be 100% sure of your abilities. I had the same story. Nothing concrete was revealed, only expensive preparations were prescribed. I drank pills three or four months. Then again. And time quickly goes away. I did not want to lose it on incomprehensible diagnoses. Then I was just afraid to get into a place where the doctorse need only my money. I wanted to find really professionals. So we are ripe to the planning center. I searched for a long time, until my friend advised one European clinic. She after 5 years of infertility got to Kiev and try surrogacy. At first I doubted, and then I decided to go too. After all, there is such an opportunity to finally see my baby. Now it remains for me to find surrogative mother. Write me if you need more information. By the way, a friend who offered to visit this clinic, a week ago saw to her daughter. Good luck!

Karinyaa profile image
Karinyaa in reply toSonya22

Hi there! I'm happy for your luck. Thought I could add. Found this somewhere before on the internet. Thought it might be helpful.~

How does surrogacy in Ukraine work?

Available to heterosexual, married couples able to prove they cannot carry a baby themselves for medical reasons. Among those absence of a womb (Inborn or acquired). Deformation of the uterus, making pregnancy and delivery impossible. Synechi of womb cavity, which cannot be cured. Somatic diseases, which prevent carrying a pregnancy, by putting the women’s health or life at risk. Unsuccessful IVF attempts (Minimum 4) with embryos of high quality. At least one parent must have a genetic link to the baby. Egg donors are frequently used. Costs vary ranging from $30k-$45k on average. The paying parents are on the Ukrainian birth certificate. The surrogate has no legal right to claim custody of the baby. It is estimated about 500 surrogacies may be happening every year.

Leah254 profile image

Hey dear. I understand what you're going through. Surrogacy is a great solution. To answer your question, there are multiple options available. You can use your own eggs or a donor's. This depends upon whether you can be stimulated or not. These are fertilized with ur partner's sperm. If unavailable, then you can opt for a donor again. These are then implanted in a surrogate mother. That is the summary of surrogacy.

stacy_evergreen profile image

Hey Nancy! The effects of infertility and failure in treatments always have negative effects on our mentality. It is because we think too much about this and we are tired of not being able to conceive. Surrogacy is the best choice that you have made. You will be successful in this. I am telling you this because today I am a mother just because of surrogacy. All the best.

Daury profile image
Daury in reply tostacy_evergreen

Exactly @stacy_evergreen you are absolutely right. Infertility is indeed the very difficult phase of women life. It is very hard to cope with. Many of us give up in these hard times which is really sad. Thanks to science for providing us the treatments to get rid of infertility. Surrogacy is a great blessing of science. It is like the last hope for infertile couples. Success rates of surrogacy are also very high. I also had a successful surrogacy journey. I went to Europe for my treatment. It was a very time taking journey but believe me, it was worth taking time. My clinic played a vital role in my success. They supported me and provided me with the best facilities. Now I am a happy mother of two beautiful kids.

Lumia441 profile image

Hello Nancy,

Welcome to our board. My heart just breaks that you have had to deal with so much. One of my relatives had contact with some non profit public organizations surrogacy and IVF consulting. If you want I can share the more information about this. I hope you are able to find your surrogate angel very soon. Please do not depress and consult with best doctor as early as possible.

Take care nancy.

Good Luck !!

sarahreed4774 profile image

Hi nancy_diggs,

Just came across your post and wanted to say something.

Firstly big hugs to you both. I know how hard it can be.. My husband and I have been through it 5 times now with no success and lots of frustration. Every time I got a negative, it chipped a little part of me away.

Good on you for trying to ways to support yourselves, it's such a difficult thing to go through. Please remember, you'll be feeling all the disappointment, but you are also on a lot of hormones and medication. You just can not stress enough, that stuff messes with your head!!! Every time I've been on the hormones, I've been a crazy woman. Every round of IVF has felt like physical and mental torture. So going through that over and over, and seeing now results is souls destroying.

Please consider counselling as well. Your clinic will offer it to you, take it. Go with your wife and book a session together. Then go separately if you feel you need to. You need support too, so you can stray strong for her also.

I would also recommend you to seek out for surrogacyinfo on the internet and check the surrogacy processes they provide which most importantly are really cheaper comparatively and guaranteed success.

I really wish you both well, whatever you decide to do.

Good Luck :)

Karinyaa profile image
Karinyaa in reply tosarahreed4774

I can definitely relate to ivf nightmares. Married with dh for 10 years, 2 of which spent ttc. Dh had low sperm count and motility. My dx: severe endo. Among the options we tried were IUI & ICSI shots. They brought no luck leaving us childless alone with our grief. I thoght this was the end of the story and that we had to take the things as they were. Got some bad news. Dr told us we couldn't use my eggs any more as the verdict of conceiving with them was too low. In plain words, use donor egg or forget about conceiving at all. It's so hard to find words to tell you what we were feeling then. My entire world had crushed. The only thing I was supposed to do in my life, my only wish of having a baby was disappearing. I was feeling broken I could do nothing about this and my genes were going to die with me..Another thing was taking a stranger's eggs..I thought I could never let it go. Having my head stuck with all those thoughts I had to take some time off job. I could never stand people sympathizing me, telling, poor thing we know how it feels. Don't worry you'll have a baby. You can count on us (still no idea in what way..) I know they didn't want to hurt me and these were just efforts to support me, but for my ear it didn't sound endurable..I wanted to hide from all of them. I wanted nobody to say a single word of this 'support' to me. We passed de ivf in Ukraine. Signed 5 cycles package for ~10k euro. With that very package they guaranteed a life birth or money paid back. As you know we'd already experienced IUI and ICSI failed cycles with own eggs. So decided this option was going to be more effective for us. We underwent 3 shots actually. Each time placing back 2 nice healthy blasts. Only one of them survived resulting in a baby boy. As far as I know couples are qualified for surrogacy differently within the countries. A huge investigation on the whole process should be done. I think for me this would be the last option to count on with infertility procedures. But it is worthy anyway.

Karinyaa profile image

Hello, hun! Infertility is an experience that continually fluctuates in intensity and direction, so at different times you may have different needs and experience different emotions. There are no set ‘stages’ in this experience … There may be moments when being infertile dictates every facet of your life, whilst at other times you may act to change the direction of your life. The way you learn to deal with the experience of infertility will also be different at different times. Whatever your choice is my heart is with you. But if it is surrogacy then I'll strongly recommend you to visit asiu.us, you'll find loads of useful info there. Wishing you the best x

Karinyaa profile image

Hi, wanted to wish you good luck!

All of my local friends were having babies in quick succession. I was happy for them but every announcement caused real pain too as I was infertile myself. We passed failed iui and icsi cycles. Following 3 de ivf shots were no doubt difficult to go through. Ivf#1 failed with bfn. Ivf#2 ended with early miscarriage which completely broke my heart into pieces. I knew this was my rainbow and lost it..2 more little beans which never saw this world..Gosh, I was going insane. Ivf#3 - got such a long awaited success, I got prego with my boy. Cases differ. Just wanna say we should be strong and patient when going to our aims. Will you tell us, what stage with surrogacy are you at? Where are you going to pass it?

Annawatson profile image

I can feel your pain very well. I felt your pain in each word. I am emotionally shattered as well these days. I couldn't even start my infertility treatment yet. And the worst part is it was even hard for me to consider infertility treatment as i was really scared of them. I was scared of putting in all my efforts in them and ended up getting disappointed. But still i planned for surrogacy. I thought to give it a try once. The decision was hard but i took it. But the clinic i contacted made me regret my decision. I contacted a clinic a****s in europe few months back. The clinic is in abroad so i wanted to get enough compulsory information about the clinic and its policies and packages. I emailed the clinic. But they refused to provide any information. I don't know why this is happening with me. I have lost my courages and hopes. This clinic had made me really depressed.

cathy-martha profile image

Hey nancy well yeah I understand what you are going through I have seen my cousin going through this whole process of failed IVF and it is definitely frustrating. But soon after that she decided to go for surrogacy, she is now very much satisfied with the whole process and the journey is going amazing for her so you should definitely go for surrogacy. Good thing is that now there are right clinics and people to guide us in this way.

Bessiejames profile image

First, Nancy, you need to calm down. I’ll tell you everything. You just have to listen carefully. Otherwise, you won’t understand a bit. So hear me out. Surrogacy is a great choice. In my opinion, you should give it a shot. But your question is that is it natural. Well, dear, most women have gone for this treatment. There was no problem they had to face. So I have a question for you. Don’t you want a baby? If you want one badly then why are you wasting your time? Just go for it. You’ll hear the good news soon. I’m only saying this because I want what’s best for you. Rest you have to decide for yourselves.

Luis_ profile image

Hey beautiful, I hope you are in your good health. I heard about your infertility. I really felt sad. But you have started your journey. Why are you sad then? Don't be depress. Infertility is a bumpy ride. You need to continue your treatment. Believe in miracles. You will get success. I have passed a long period of 5 years in facing infertility. I was 6 weeks pregnant but one accident, and I lost my baby. That day was the worst day of my life. I am feeling so depressed writing it to you. Whenever I think of that day tears come to my eyes. But I am searching for a clinic. And I hope I will get some result soon. Stay blessed and don't take the stress. Keep trying.

Daury profile image

We can feel your pain, Nancy. Going through infertility and these treatments are never easy. It requires a lot of time and patience. Am sorry that you didn't get success in IVF. Though IVF is a great treatment and is producing results it can be risky sometimes. Especially when you are not fully well then it can result in a miscarriage. So I think you should go for surrogacy. It will surely help you. Success rates are also high in surrogacy. It is a safe process, as the third woman, a surrogate mother, will give birth to your baby. It is very affordable too and chances of risks are low too. All you need is to visit a quality clinic. I think you should go to Europe for your treatment. There is a very prominent clinic for these treatments. People from all over the world visit them. Things will definitely work in your favor. My prayers are with you.

JanetteMarvin profile image

Hey dear! Totally understand you cause I were in the same boat. I was diagnosed endo in a neglected form and hormonal imbalance, that's why I cant give birth to a child. At first all this procedure seemed to me very cruel and unnatural but now I'm perceived it's much better than not having kids at all or bearing a weak child. I can tell you about my own route to surrogacy if you need it. Anyway if you wanna talk - just write me on email. I'll be free to support you or answer the questions: janettemarvin88@gmail.com.

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