I am here on this forum to gain some idea about surrogacy. I am medically unfit to carry a baby in my womb. Though I have fertile and healthy egg but due to some complications, I have been advised not to be pregnant. In hope of some help from the people out here on this forum. Need to know as much as can before i could move forward. I would be interested to know if the surrogacy can be held with my husbands sperm and my eggs. Desperate to get answers to my queries.
Thinking of surrogacy!! ... - Infertility Support
Thinking of surrogacy!!

Hi, first of all sorry to hear about your situation. Also glad that you have decided on your next steps and are clear about what you want. Yes there are quite a few options available for surrogacy. I'm grateful there are places and people who can help us with our problem. Our daughter was born in February this year. We love her so much! I didn't carry her but this fact changes nothing.
We used the clinic, which is called BioTexCom in Kiev. I should say that neither our program coordinator, nor our doctor made us to wait for too long. When we contacted the clinic for the first time, response was fast, answers to our questions were clear and we got all info we needed. In 3 months after our first visit our program coordinator contacted us and told us that they found surrogate mother for us. The service was on a good level. Speaking about price the clinic has packages. You can choose the one which suits you the most. The prices are very cheap compared to USA, UK, or Greece. Do let me know if you have any questions for me. Good luck and I wish you the best.
Do you have any negatives for undergoing ivf? If no, you can use it as well as your husband's sperm. They just put your embryos to other woman's womb and Bob's your uncle haha
But if to speak about real things you have to have all prescriptions for doing surrogacy. You have to have no negatives for stimulation and your husband's healthy should be good. Cause as far as I know some clinic's abroad need genetic relation to the baby, I mean only father has to have this relation. (just in case you will decide to go abroad)
well, have you alredy done any tests?
So sorry for what you are going through, perfectly understand as I too am going through the similar trouble. I recommend you see a fertility specialist for a proper diagnosis to start with. Have you discussed the possibility of fertility treatment at a clinic specializing in problems such as this? It might be worthwhile for you to explore the option, therefore, might need to discuss it with your husband. Gives you something to hold on to should all else fail to work out.
I wish you well and sincerely feel your pain. My husband and I have been trying for a baby 8 years now and finally decided to visit a clinic that offers services for women with low AMH which is what am suffering from. I really hope it finally goes well for us. It took a while for me to convince my husband as he's the conservative kind but am glad he's finally bowed to the pressure and agreed to go with me in this.
From my experience, I understand how difficult it can be dealing with judgemental people all around. Glad that we both understand we are in this together and have to face the world as a united front. Speak to your husband regarding seeking help in a specialist clinic and then explore the options they have for you. I hope we can compare notes soon enough, even better get our bundle of joy soon enough.
Hi AmaraHyat I read your post .... And i feel very sad to know about your medical condition that you are unfit for pregnancy . Dear never loose your hope as you take a right decision of surrogacy . I am going to discuss about surrogacy which will definitely help you to get a solution of your problem.
Surrogacy, otherwise called gestational care, is a family building choice for the individuals who need a kid with hereditary ties and have not had accomplishment with other "first-line" assisted reproductive technology (ART) medicines. Surrogacy, in which a lady conveys and brings forth another lady's infant, has a long history
Conventional Surrogates and Gestational Surrogates
There are two sorts of surrogacy — conventional and gestational — that are rehearsed today.
In conventional surrogacy, a lady, called a "surrogate mother," conveys a developing life that was made with her own egg and the sperm of a man who, with his accomplice, needs an infant. Customary surrogacy can be expert either by intrauterine insemination (IUI) or by in vitro treatment (IVF).
In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate, called a gestational transporter, brings forth a child made with an egg and sperm from the "planned guardians," or the developing life can be made from a contributor egg or benefactor sperm. The lion's share of surrogates today are gestational transporters.
With gestational surrogacy, IVF is utilized to prepare the eggs in a research center. In the event that the preparation is effective, a fruitfulness specialist exchanges a few or the majority of the subsequent developing lives (regularly a few) into to the surrogate's uterus. In the event that all goes well, the gestational transporter conveys the child and instantly gives up him or her to the parent(s).
IVF, which came into training in 1978, changed surrogacy into a famous practice today.
Hope it will help you!!!!
Hi dear .......... sad to know about your story but it is not the end . you have many options and surrogacy is one of them . As it is the modern way to get your own baby . There are several fertility center who provide this facility Go and consult the expert .
You just need an appropriate person who understand your problem and ready to help you
Good Luck!!!!
Hello, yes of course, you can use your eggs and your husband's sperm. Usually people use sperm or donor eggs if you have any prerequisites for this. In order for everything to go well, you will need to find a surrogate mother. She must be healthy and she must have her children. I would advise you to look for an unmarried or divorced surrogate mother. Usually married couples are looking for a surrogate mother in the clinics of reproductive medicine. I would not recommend that you look for a surrogate mother on the Internet. Many married couples ask their relatives to become a surrogate mother. But this is very wrong. Yes, it will turn out cheaper, as well as a way out for those families who live in countries where commercial surrogate motherhood is prohibited. But doctors are skeptical about this. In my opinion, this is a violation of subordination. You will always see your cousin, communicate with her. And she will communicate with your child. In addition, you can not keep it a secret. Most likely your child will know how he was born. Of course, the surrogate motherhood is now quite popular. But all the same it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of a doctor, a surrogate mother. Because this will depend on the next year of your life. You do not have to live with a surrogate mother. Usually she remains at home, and the clinic monitors her condition. Usually, the clinic watches how the surrogate mother observes all the recommendations and visits the clinic. Usually, after giving birth to a child, they do not show him a surrogate mother. She signs the necessary documents and receives a monetary reward. This is the end of your communication with her. You'd better change your phone number, accounts in social networks. Although, they rarely want to continue to communicate with the child. But it can be done, in order to insure themselves from her attention. Also in the beginning you will need to legalize the contract with the surrogate mother. The most important aspects of your cooperation should be described there. And it is also important to describe the duties and rights of the parties.
Hi AmaraHyat12,
I can understand what you are going through. My DH and I faced infertility when we already had our DS Den. I had hysterectomy after Den's delivery
it took time to heal and recover, both physically and psycho. We always wanted to have more kids and never ever though everything could work this way. Adoption was discussed as an option. We even contacted a few adoption agencies but found out it was so complicated, time and money-consuming, and most importantly - providing no guarantees for a match and final green light for adoption.
All our friends were telling us to try surrogacy, but we never took it seriously.
Willy-nilly, we started exploring this option. Our journey brought us to Kiev, Ukraine. We were there just a week ago while our DS was staying with his grandparents. We went to the Surrogacyinfo which is considered as one of the best clinics in Ukraine. One can even find details about it online. We met people there in the clinic and who shared their stories and I shared ours. Some kept trying again and again many times. I don't want it to be a forever journey. The doctors here in
Surrogacyinfo are very supportive. Our doctor said that we're young and it gives us much more chances for success from the very first attempt.
FYI, the surrogacy can be held with your husbands sperm and your eggs if you pass few tests they take at the clinic.
Good Luck !!
Hi dear! Do you have any negatives for undergoing ivf? If no, you can use it as well as your husband's sperm. They just put your embryos to other woman's womb and Bob's your uncle haha
But if to speak about real things you have to have all prescriptions for doing surrogacy. You have to have no negatives for stimulation and your husband's healthy should be good. Cause as far as I know some clinic's abroad need genetic relation to the baby, I mean only father has to have this relation. (just in case you will decide to go abroad)
well, have you alredy done any tests?
hey!! I am so sorry to hear your situation, It is all natural and with Gods will.Nobody has any hand in doing so to other person but luckily the technology has been so vast and to deal with problems like yours surrogacy is one of the best way out.My friend had the same problem but now she is happy in her life with two beautiful daughters all because of this technique.Many clinics all around the world have the facilities according to your desire.They allow you to have your own sperm (of your partners) and the other partner could be a donor as well as a surrogate only.Your problems are resolved by them very easily and they charge you with reasonable costs.My friend couldn't be happier in her life as she is now and recommends the same to others too.Your health may not be as good but you could enjoy the greatest gift of life with such procedures and your concern is very much removed from having your partner as the true biological father.Best of luck!
Amara, I am very sorry to hear about your condition. It is not going to be easy going through this time in your life. However, it is not as if you cannot have children at all. My sister had osteoporosis and her bones used to hurt a lot. After she got married she wanted a child but obviously her bones wouldn't allow her to handle birth. So she chose surrogacy as an option and eventually it worked out very well. I helped my sister through a large portion of her surrogacy and so obviously I have a fair bit of experience with surrogacy. As you know surrogacy is an easy process and it is very easy to have it done as well. Most clinics have very helpful personnel that will walk you through the process etc. themselves. The surrogacy is done through the use of your egg and your husband's sperm. The baby will be genetically completely related to you. However, the only difference is that it will be grown inside a host uterus which is the surrogate mother. Once they have implanted your egg and sperm into the host uterus your child will grow as it normally would. So do not be disheartened too much. Surrogacy is definitely a viable option when it comes to having children and it is a simple straightforward process as well. So good luck to you and I hope I helped in understanding more about it.
I am glad to see you have not given up. You are still trying to get a child. That is very admirable. To answer your question the surrogacy will be done with your and your husband's dna. Basically the child is yours biologically. The only difference is the uterus in which he develops. They basically implant it in a third party uterus. If you have any other questions everyone on this forum would be glad to help or you can just contact me too.
Yes, you can definitely have a baby with your eggs and your husband's sperm. This is one of the reasons why so many people prefer surrogacy. I also had surrogacy using my eggs and SO's sperm. It's so great because even though I didn't give birth to my baby, she has my genes. I couldn't have a baby due to endometriosis. What's your medical condition? Maybe there is another way for you as well. Tell us more so we can help better. As for surrogacy, let me tell you the details you must know from my experience. Surrogacy is most affordable in Europe. The clinic I went to offered free accommodation and such facilities also. Surrogacy must be legal in that country. If it isn't legal, you can face huge risks if the surrogate mother changes her mind. The most difficult part is choosing a surrogate mother. And lastly, make sure you sign contracts and carry out child's registration with care. Good luck.
Hi, first of all sorry to hear about your situation. Also glad that you have decided on your next steps and are clear about what you want. Yes there are quite a few options available for surrogacy. I'm grateful there are places and people who can help us with our problem. Our daughter was born in February this year. We love her so much! I didn't carry her but this fact changes nothing.
We used the clinic, which is called BioTexCom in Kiev. I should say that neither our program coordinator, nor our doctor made us to wait for too long. When we contacted the clinic for the first time, response was fast, answers to our questions were clear and we got all info we needed. In 3 months after our first visit our program coordinator contacted us and told us that they found surrogate mother for us. The service was on a good level. Speaking about price the clinic has packages. You can choose the one which suits you the most. The prices are very cheap compared to USA, UK, or Greece. Do let me know if you have any questions for me. Good luck and I wish you the best.
Hi there, it sad to hear that you can’t be pregnant. It means that you are not healthy enough to carry a baby. Surrogacy will be best for you. In your case womb is not fit for pregnancy. So eggs are implanted to other who keeps it for 9 months. The child will be biologically yours. This is known as surrogacy. So you should prefer surrogacy. It is less expensive in clinics in the UK. Don’t lose hope. Every problem has a solution. Remember difficult journey makes your destination beautiful. I hope your queries will be resolved.
hey there. how are you now? i hope your good. you should consult a doctor properly about this, he will guide you the best. as per surrogacy, there are many good clinics in Ukraine. go search em up. ill pray for you. I guess surrogacy is possible with your husband sperm and eggs. take care.
Hello. I am so sad for you. Dont stress you will be a mother soon. Truly, surrogacy is without a doubt an astounding procedure. In surrogacy the have absolutely has a place with the IPs genes. there are different types of surrogacy. In gestational the IPs use there own eggs and sperm and have a genetic baby. I trust you will be a mother soon. I hope this would definitely help you.
Hey there. I am really sorry to hear about it. I hope you are doing great. it really breaks my heart when women have to go through this. Infertility can be really harsh. Whatever the reason may be. However, it best to think of alternate ways. Surrogacy is a blessing. One should definitely go for it. I hope people support surrogacy more. take care.
Hey there. How are you doing? I hope it's all well I am really sorry to hear about your problem. I know it must be hard. I wish you good luck. I hope surrogacy works out for you. take care.
Hey there, how are you doing? I hope you're doing fine. Well, there are two options for you, one is surrogacy and other is adoption. But adoption isn't a good choice. I would rather suggest you go for surrogacy. Actually, it is not like you have mentioned it. There are lots of clinic around the world. But the best ones are in Europe. So there is a clinic Biotexcom located in Ukraine is considered to be one of the best clinics. They are really good at surrogacy procedure. They'll provide all the information you need. Besides they will find the perfect surrogate mother. They are also organizing an event which is going to take place in London on the 18th and 19th of the August. They promise to cover every topic. Don't miss this opportunity.
Hi there Amara. I feel so sorry for you. It must have been very difficult for you after hearing that you cannot become pregnant. Most of the women lose hope after hearing all of this. They think that everything is lost. But the brave thing to do in these situations is to stand firm. You have done exactly that. I suggest you that you should consult your doctor about using your egg and your husband’s sperm in Surrogacy. If the doctor says yes then good luck to you. I have been through this situation similarly. But my problem was that my husband’s sperm and my egg was not of good quality. So I opted for Surrogacy using a second mother. The clinic I went to was in Eastern Europe. They are the best in their work. They provided hope to me. My luck was good. Now I am a mother of a son.
Congratulations! I went through my first IVFround at 38. We had seven viable embryos. Two years ago, I mustered the courage to meet with a fertiility doctor and discuss the possibility of donor egg. I was there intellectually but my heart was not there yet. My husband was not 100% on board at that time. During the past time I processed the situation I was in. I realized that having a baby and nurturing a child would make the child mine. So we figured out the financials to undergo treatment in Ukraine. We chose a potential donor from their database and moved on.
I agree that moving to Eastern Europe for surrogacy is much cheaper. Moreover, commercial surrogacy is legal in the Ukraine. But it is only available to married heterosexual couples!! Couples also have to demonstrate that they require surrogacy. They have to provide suitable evidence such as the absence or deformation of the uterus to include adhesions or scar tissue. Risk to the health of the mother or potential child through pregnancy or by providing evidence of having 4 failed IVF attempts. The IP of a child born through surrogacy are considered to be biological parents from the moment of conception. They are specifically named as biological parents in the birth certificate without any mentioning of the surrogate mother. Importantly the gestational surrogate has no legal claim over the child. All this makes the country a perfect destination.
Hey AmaraHyat12! This topic is disturbing me as well so we can talk about it and help each other. I have endometriosis in a neglected form and hormonal imbalance so carrying a child by my own seems to be impossible for me. But we found a solution - surrogacy in Ukraine. Our friends prompted us to go there and make a decision after that. We arrived there and personally visited seven clinics in Kyiv, so now can talk about the situation as an expert We even made our own list of pluses and minuses of all of them. Maybe you know their prices are really attractive, starting a program in Ukraine costs 3-5 times cheaper than in US, for instance. If you wanna see my list or ask smth, contact me via email, I'll be free to answer your questions and help you: janettemarvin88@gmail.com.
I guess I've never been ready for using donor eggs. Here's my story in brief. I'm 40 yo. Already have my IVF daughter. We had been ttc for 1.5 years with no luck. We tried to seek help from fertility experts. Soon they diagnosed unexplained. Hoping for a miracle we did continue trying naturally but in vain. Our fertility clinic overseas told us my eggs were not going to work with any kind of procedure. So we were strongly recommended to use donor egg. And we followed the advice. I took it just like we were to go on with de, no other option for us avaliable. I can't say I was ready to use a woman's eggs, this way loosing any genetic relation to my baby. I wasn't ready to have my baby's birth history put like this. I believe noone is ready. We just accept things as they are. Whether we want it or now - we do everything to win in this struggle. I wish you all the best of luck with your decision and further steps. Huge virtual hugs Xx
For those countries that allow surrogacy the laws typically give all parental rights to the surrogate. This is so until a court process can transfer the rights from her to the IP. In these countries the surrogate has the right to keep the baby if she chooses. But this will never happen in Ukraine. Surrogacy there is well regulated. Surrogacy contracts are considered enforceable under legislation. Under Ukrainian law, the child belongs to IP from the moment of conception. Once the baby is born, the birth certificate is issued with the names of the IP. SM is not awarded any parental rights. She has no standing to keep the baby or claim any rights. This is true even if there were no biological relation between the child and IP. In this and other cases their names remain on the birth certificate. As far as I know, Ukainian surrogates are between 25-35 years old. A SM is a natural mother of at least one child. She's mentally and physically capable of becoming a SM. The marital status of the surrogate is irrelevant. All you need to do is to chose the best SM for you and sign a legal agreement with your SM. I'd also recommend reading oursurrogacyblog.wordpress.com to everyone considering surrogacy in Ukraine. Hope this helps.