Ever since I entered ICU I have not had one decent night sleep due to fear and nightmares when do, was just wondering if anyone else felt the same.
Has anyone who has been in ICU struggled with sle... - ICUsteps
Has anyone who has been in ICU struggled with sleeping at night ?

Hi Amy, I often try and stay awake for days on end so that I don't dream or have nightmares,but unfortunately 5 nights is as long as I can last. I understand exactly how you feel, but it is not doing us any good because I get so tired I feel even more depressed.
How long ago were you in ICU? It's only been 8 months for me, with more heart attacks and so hospitals stays in between, so as yet nothing has got any better for me, but there are a number of members who have come out the other side, so there is plenty of hope that one day we will be able to know what that feels like too. We also have a few ICU nurses who know what you are going through and will try to advise you.
You may even be lucky enough to have an ICU group near where you live. Maybe Peter the co founder of ICUSteps might be able to let you know if this is the case.
You will be in my thoughts.
Take care
Hi Amy, I spent 3 months in ICU 2 years ago and still have difficulty sleeping at times, the nightmares fade in time but unfortunately it's something we will never forget, the support of family and friends is a great healer and I agree with Mike if you have a local support group go along to a meeting and you will find you have so much in common with everyone as we're the only ones that really know how difficult it can be rebuilding your life.
I was very fortunate my niece is a ICU nurse in the hospital I was in and with her help we set up our own support group here in Hastings as there was no help available, it's the best thing I've ever done, just chatting and understanding what people have been through can be the best therapy going.
Best wishes in your recovery,
Hey, this is common and will ease with time. medication prevents me holding the intrusive thoughts - Sertraline is known for assisting PTSD and it works for me (18 months on). Talking to us here and a support group of other survivors is the best listening and understanding ear. Good luck in your recovery.
Amy, many of the patients I see following their stay in ITU tell me very similiar things. They also tell me that with time they will fade. Yes the memories of them are real but you will sleep. When did you leave ICU? Sounds like it was not that long ago. Take care
Hi everyone, thank you so much for all your replies and messages. It's nice to know that I'm not on my own but wish none of you had to go through it either. My stay in ICU was 2-3 months and I spent a further 5 months on a ward. I only left hospital 4 weeks ago so am not really recovered yet and am still in pain which scares me too as I was back and forth from ICU.
Hi Amy.
You are not alone most people have problems sleeping after coming out of critical care.I was in for seven weeks that was two years ago and I still have problems sleeping.
The dreams you have do fade after a time but they are still there.Take care and look at the positive side ,it is very early days for you .Life will get better for you day by day.
I spent 5 weeks under sedation in ICU and it was some months before I got a decent night's sleep. It was explained to me that being under sedation is not the same as being asleep, and with the continuous treatment in ICU you are effectively being kept awake all the time. It then takes time for the body to adjust. It has been a 18 months since I was ill, but I sleep fine now. I know it sounds trite, but all the difficulties I had in recovery seem a very small price to pay for the gift of continued life which ICU gave me. I wish you a speedy recovery.
I only spent a week in ICU back in January this year.I am not sleeping well,maybe a couple of hours b4 waking and it is exhausting,along with nightmares.Have heard others say this does get better so am determined.Am lucky as have ICUsteps on my doorstep so will now start using this as a means to better understand and progress.Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I am afraid that I have not slept well since my time in ICU which is over 4 years ago now. I do take Zopaclone on occassions but try not to. The first six months once I woke up I had to get out of bed, no matter what the time was.