Wish I could help my mam more but it is really hard as time is the only healer. How long will she feel this low and weak for? She looks and feels terrible all the time. Any tips that may help her get through this horrible time?
My mam has been home from icu for almost 2 weeks ... - ICUsteps
My mam has been home from icu for almost 2 weeks now

hello Stephiee,firstly,so pleased you have found this web site ! Things will get better,but,it will take a long time,being iin CCU is a dreadful shock ,not only for your mum,but for your family .My husband was in CCU for 28 days a year last Jan,and we are not yet (and probably - never be the same again,it is life changing). It isnt just the physical element,there is a huge amount of mental recovery ,litrally take every day as it comes. Just sit and listen to her,the dreadful dreams ,which seem so real at the time for her ,are so frightening.
Do you have a decent GP ?or any support from the hospital ? do ask for help for trauma councelling for your mum,also did she have a diary ? going through it slowly can help ,it may well be too early yet,but ,it does help to explain things. Do you have a ICU STEPS near you ? if so do go ,just talking to other relatives is so helpful. I do wish you all well,and do keep in touch .

Hi Stephlee,
Your mum has pulled through and that's a great relief and in many areas of the country that will be the end of the medical support. The recovery time varies from person to person but it does take a long time - longer than you'd think - and can often take up to a year and sometimes even longer. If you've not already seen it, I'd suggest having a look at our patient and relative information booklet which you can view on the website or download - http:/icusteps.org/guide
As AndJan says, it does get better but takes time. At least knowing that recovery is normally slow may be a little help and of course it also helps to have support from people here or at a local support group so you don't feel isolated or that you're going through it alone. This is true for patients, but also for our relatives who suffer from the aftermath of critical illness as well.
Icu can cause a lot of problems you mam I imagine feels very weak probably confused,anxious and maybe even depressed everything has suddenly changed for her things that were easy to do are now an effort the thoughts and memory's are confusing as she may not know if it was a dream or really happened my advice is just to be patient re assure her that your there for her and that everything will sort itself out in time my husband. Has been out of icu just over two months he's still weak but getting stronger he sometimes says very random things the other day he asked me if we ever moved to London he knows it was a dream but he was just checking! But we laugh about it now...stay strong things will improve over time x
Thanks it really helps to read your replys of your experiences x
Hi Stephlee30,
I am in the same boat. The best thing to do is to call her GP or local hospital and ask for district nurses. They are home visits to help her rehabilitate. Wishing you and your mother the best of luck