My mom went to the local hospital cause her heart rate had dropped. They put a temporary pacemaker maker in. She just had 3 stents put in her widow maker about 2 weeks prior. They also put her on a ventilator. The pacemaker was taken out after 3 days. I asked the icu nurse why, she told me cause mom was saying she was sick to her stomach. (She was on a bypap at that time. ) Back story: My mom has bad lungs already. She was on a ventilator when she got covid. They had to trac her. She was in the hospital about 4 months. She finally recovered enough to come home. And had the trac taking out. It did make her heart go into Afib and she gets pneumonia very easily.
After getting put on the vent at a local hospital. Every time they moved her around her oxygen would drop. So we all decided to fly her to another facility.
This place is supposed to be a great hospital for the lungs. She has been there for a little over 2 weeks now. When she first got there, they were laying her on her stomach which was helping her oxygen level stay up. And her peep was at 10. They put her on a paralytic to paralize her. After about a week they decided to do a bronchoscopy. Took her off the paralytic. After the scope she has went down hill, they raised her peep to 20 and can't seem to get it back down. Now it's at 20 they can't put her on her stomach any longer. After about 3 days when I talked to the doctor he was saying we might need to make a decision. Do we think she would want to live like this? I feel she is still in there. She came off the vent once I'm hoping she can do it again.
They started to turn her sadation off for a few hours. She's not responding to pain but opening her eyes and looking off into space. The next day after turning off the sedation she is finally responding with her eyes making faces at me when I make them at her. She can cough. Still no pain response, and not moving her body. They done a
CT scan to see if she had a stroke when they used paralytic on her. No signs of a stroke. (Doctor said it does look like she might have had one long time ago but not affecting her) But everytime we leave the MICU they put the sadation right back on. They even turned her peep down to 18 while we were in the room, as soon as we went to eat they turned it right back up.
Im so confused about the whole situation. They can't even tell me why she was put on the vent to begin with. All he keeps saying is she has really bad lungs. She has no oragan failers or anything. I feel like they want me to tell them to turn the vent off and let her dye. It might not be the case. I might not fully understand what's going on. But how can they tell me and my sister we might need to make a decision when clearly she is still there fighting to live.
This is so hard...
She has been on the vent for 26 days now.