Hi everyone, I need help to understand, my brother had a major heart attack 2 weeks ago, the first heart attack was 18 months ago and had a stint inserted and this time he got a clot in the stint and a further two clots. The hospital completed op on his heart which is now fine - he was fully sedated on a ventilator for 12 days as we worried if he had brain damage, he is now out of sedation with 3 days and is so agitated and very angry, the strength that he has is unbelievable and he keeps trying to remove all other tubes and is so upset with us as a family. The Dr's and nurses say this is normal but what I am seeing is not my brother. They are now saying they may have taken him off sedation too fast and now back sedating him slowly again with anti physcotic drug... we do not have a clue what questions to ask and what support he and us needs, he also has a bowel infection and battling pneumonia. Please can someone help me, he is only 50 yrs old with a young family but I am afraid he will never be him again... any idea of time for normality if this is possible. Thank you in advance from a very lost and lonely sister 💔
Hi all, we as a family are relieved, my brother is no longer agitated or angry, all he needed was a good long sleep on his own without any sedation and he is back... his memory of it was jumping from train to train and he couldn't gey off. Thankfully he has no brain damage and he knows us all. His kids are finally getting to see him today for the first time since the 10th November when it all happened. He has a long road ahead for full recovery but we have all the time in the world for this. He is coming out of ICU shortly to coronary ward for another while. Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart for all your help and wishes, it was very greatly appreciated 💞 Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas with your families and that any family going through the same keep going and take each day as it comes x