Weaning from sedation and agitated: Hi I wrote in a... - ICUsteps


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Weaning from sedation and agitated

Lf91 profile image
14 Replies

Hi I wrote in a few weeks ago about my father in law being in icu in an induced coma with covid 19. Today is day 49 and he finally woke up 9 days ago! However he is severely agitated to the point where the nurses have told us theu "have been warned about him" lol. When I asked they said he's still slightly sedated as they're weaning him off but I was just wondering how long to expect it to go on for before he has no sedation in him. They haven't gave him anymore in the last 9 days but I thought with him needing dialysis that it would take longer to rid the sedation.

Today he has been a nightmare apparently trying to climb out of bed, he has no core muscle strength because of how long he was in the coma for.

Previously he had been trying to pull him trach out and managed to pull the tube out of his nose.

He's awake all night and sleeping most of the day whilst the physios are there.

In the first few days he was getting angry looking at the roof which we imagined he was hallucinating.

Hope you and you're loved ones are doing well!

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Lf91 profile image
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14 Replies
AKAICUsurvivor profile image

My wife would say that she lived for the moment I woke up, imagining that everything was going to be hunky dory from then on. In fact, and I’m sorry to break the news to you, it was just the start of the next saga of the journey back from critical care - starting with delirium, fatigue, sleep disorders, muscle weakness, neuropathy and cognitive dysfunction. Oh it’s a laugh a minute- I hope he flips out of this delirium phase pretty sharpish.

Lf91 profile image
Lf91 in reply to AKAICUsurvivor

Oh dear sounds like it's going to be a long worrying road. Is this what you call icu delerium then? I've seen a few posts about it but wasn't sure exactly what it was. Is this all normal process? Thank you for your reply

AKAICUsurvivor profile image
AKAICUsurvivor in reply to Lf91

I’m not medically trained to give you that assurance but it does sound like it. Rehab is hard for everyone - but it is better to be mentally & physically prepared.

Let the next chapter begin with all of its challenges, ups & downs.


Pmub profile image

Sounds a lot like I was when I came out of two week sedation coma! It really is very confusing coming down to earth it took about two weeks for me to become more grounded after waking up, and even then I still thought I was in Greece when I was in fact at the royal Brompton in London. Trouble is the medication makes you believe like you're being held against your will, and even when you're coming out of sedation you hallucinate I was constantly looking at the the ventilation fan on the ceiling because it seems to be changing shape, I thought I was being experimented on and all I could think of was to try and stay alive and escape.

I also tried to pull the tubes out and I was constantly trying to to climb out of the bed ! When he finally comes around and regains his bearings and senses I'm sure like me he will be suitably apologetic to all the nurses he has given such a hard time. His eyes may be open at the moment but his mind will take awhile to land but I assure you it will

good luck.

Lf91 profile image
Lf91 in reply to Pmub

This does sound very similar! Also sounds very scary! It's hard not being there but I imagine it would be hard to see tbh. Luckily you came out of it the other side and hopefully he will too. We just need abit of closure as to what is normal and not. Thank you for your reply

Bexx029 profile image

Is your father talking at all or can recognise people?

My mum is also agitated, trying to climb out the bed and pulling her tubes etc. But she isn’t talking or seeming to recognise anyone. They are still having to give my mum a little sedation to keep her calm.

My mum is also awake all night and sleeping on a morning.

Hope your dad improves soon!

Lf91 profile image
Lf91 in reply to Bexx029

Thank you and your mum too.

He can't talk although he has been trying to, the nurses said they couldn't understand him. But they also said he won't be able to talk cos of the tracheostomy although I was under the impression he would be able to with this rather than being intubated.

He has days where he recognises us and days where he doesn't. He can obey commands too like squeezing hands, nodding his head and sticking his tongue out etc. Hope this helps abit and I hope your mum makes a speedy recovery and you have her home soon

Ferham profile image

ICU Delirium for Covid cases is brutal, it took 3 weeks for it to clear for my husband, he has ripped out all his tubes , even with his mittens on to stop him ripping them out. The nurses are baffled as to how he pulled the mittens off . The trance like state, manifested into anger, frustration and it has been heartbreaking to see. I'm delighted to say the delirium has subsided and now he is having flashbacks . It's a long road ahead of us as he has had so much muscle loss ,he will need long term rehab - we are so grateful to the NHS .

JOSH43 profile image

Day 60 for my wife. She is doing ok. Still on ventilator but requiring less support. All I can say is this is a long game and you have to stay patient. Fortunately she hasnt reacted in the way your dad has but I understand that everyone will react in different ways to this situation which must e scary for them. Stat strong

HopefulA profile image
HopefulA in reply to JOSH43

Hi Josh

Pleased to hear she is doing ok.

Did you find with your wife they had to flip from cpap mode to simv or a supported mode now and then?

Dad was on cpap mode all of yesterday and then this morning they have had to switch him as his respiratory rate was a bit low so think he might be tired. I'm hoping he just needs a break and it's not that we are going to backwards?


JOSH43 profile image
JOSH43 in reply to HopefulA

They are constantly adjusting the modes of ventilation as part of the intense physiotherapy to build her strength back up so she can hopefully breathe on her own

HopefulA profile image
HopefulA in reply to JOSH43

Ok thanks thats good to know.

Lf91 profile image

Another not so great day to day. However he is still here so we are still blessed.

Another day of sleeping at the wrong times, trying to climb out of bed, bloods came back he's still got a chest infection which they've still not managed to clear for the past 3 weeks and his blood pressure has been raised which they've managed to bring back down tonight. They was going to try reducing his vent today but haven't been able to with him still being agitated

jayniej profile image

Hi i have been looking back on posts on here as my dad is in ICU day 47 now

he had covid / pneumonia after contracting the virus in hospital after having a triple heart bypass & new heart valve replacement ( the op went well) then covid set in ... he has a tracheostomy and is being weaned of the ventilator and doing well.. he has a long road ahead of him as he will be needing his sternum fixed after it was damaged from having had a cardiac arrest brought on from the covid / pneumonia .

I wanted to let you know that my dad suffered terribly with delirium & coming round off sedation.. many times put back under because he was pulling lines out, messing with his tracheostomy, sitting up fast , even attacking the night staff so similar to your father inlaw!

The nurse would say your dads a feisty one to mum & i when we called in &

Some people on this group say its shows they have fight in them to keep going & they are not giving in. This lasted a good 2 weeks and they changed his sleeping meds a few times as he was absolutely shattered in the day from not sleeping at night .

My dads kidneys were also dipping for a few weeks on & off dialysis but not been on now for about 3 weeks

He did frightened us again recently and had blood in the chest cavity that needed to be treated down in theatre to control & drain it off by having a 2.5hour op ,

honestly he has been through the mill but making progress now slowly but surly so hang on in there 💪🏻

Its so hard i really do understand, hard for us all on this page / group and & we all hold on to every word the nurses & drs tell us, and are thankful for advice from past ICU patients to give advice & encouragement

in here!

tkcare once the delirium / sedation lifts he should feel a-lot better 🤞🏻🙏🏻❤️

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