I find it difficult to comprehend what I went through 4 months ago. I had a cesarean section complication under general aneastetic which ended in me heamoraging twice, losing 3.8 litres of blood, 7 blood transfusions while on the operating table to keep my blood up and an induced coma and ventilated for 3 days in Icu, 5 days in total in icu 3 days asleep 2 days awake trying to move and get my strength back.
I feel as though I woke and have been made to go back to normal as if it didn't happen. Even though I know it happened. And I'm dealing with ptsd. But I need to be a mum to my newborn and toddler, so when do I have a moment to myself to recover and think about what I went through. In survival mode I don't have time to think.
Im very scatty and can never follow one train of thought any more. It shows in the way I speak too, as if I can't get my whole words out or I have half the conversation in my head and finish it out loud and I don't understand why people don't understand me. Plus never finishing simple things liek washing up beucsee I get distracted and do soemthing else. Is this pics or could it jsut be sleep deprivation? I actually think I might have PICS, never heard of it before joining this group.
The amount of thoughts, feelings etc that I haven't mentioned to anyone beucase i thought it was due to recovery and pointless pointing out.
I had an icu debrief yesterday and the amount of things I mentioned and the health professionals said it was completely normal even though I felt strange/crazy/mental. I feel like this group is going to be my life line for recovery and realising I went through what I did and its okay to feel the way I feel.
Anyone else have any sort of feeling like this? Will it go away and will I feel normal again?