Hi.Im new here.My dad had an cardiac arrest.After 30 mins he was taken to hospital.Immediately heart stent is done.Everything was ok for an hour. After that he had seizures for a day and he was sedated for 10 days.Doctor said he had an stroke.So Brain MRI has taken.Report has been attached.He is not waking up for past 20 days.He is on ventilator.some times eyes open and leg shaking.Doctors always giving negative comment.No hope etc.Is he in coma.Just i want to know what is happening to my dad.I want my dad back.
After cardiac arrest not waking up in icu. - ICUsteps
After cardiac arrest not waking up in icu.

So sorry to hear this,it’s very hard on the families to watch a loved one go through this you feel so helpless, I used to go to the hospital everyday wishing my dad would open his eyes , my dad had a cardiac arrest for 40 mins then they brought him back, at the time I was so pleased, I really know how your feeling ,the doctors maybe are trying to say that your dad will never be the same, the doctors used to say negative things to us sometimes we would cry buckets! Your stomach feels like it’s churning every day ! All I say is take a day at a time and just make the most of it that your dad is still here, and chat to him say what you want to, good luck xxx
Keep the faith. My husband (59) had a cardiac arrest in January and was in an induced coma for 21 days. The doctors were not hopeful with him either but he woke up. He went to a long term acute care hospital and to TIRR rehab. He's now home going to outpatient therapy. He has a long road ahead of him but he's doing good. So, keep talking to your dad and play some of his favorite music in his ear. I hope you're dad gets better real soon.
I am sorry you are going through this. Keep talking to your Dad it will reassure him. He will be able to hear you. Remain hopeful is the best advice we were given.
My dad passed away after 1 month in vegetative coma..