Following my previous post (
I have a few more questions.
A few days after being taken off sedation, Is it normal to have leaps in the consciousness level? (A brief summary: My mom, 68 years old, has been in an induced coma for 9 days (following an in-hospital cardiac arrest, and lung issues. at some point her kidneys stopped working and she got a dialysis but they are working again now - though with a urinating medicine. she then had a tracheotomy, and was taken off sedation)
While in the first few days we were pleasantly surprised to see that she already started responding (nodding for 'yes', shaking her head for 'no', grabbed our hands and kissed them, even smiled in places in which it made sense....) she keeps on trying to pull the tubes out whenever she can. I know this is natural, but still scary.
while yesterday, when I showed her my son's picture (he's a 9 months old baby) she smiled and kissed the phone's screen, today (looking tired and in general "out of it" if she knows who Adam is, she shook her head for 'no'. same goes with my husband. she did not remember him when I asked her about it.
I guess my question is: From your experience, Is it normal for this stage (it's now been a week since she got the trach and off sedation) to have such leaps? for some days to be that much worse? We do not know whether she's had any brain damage, though the doctors said she showd some good signs that her brain might be okay (she is able to move her entire body by what we can tell, and as I wrote, did seem to respond in context in the previous days)
I'm so scared... The past month and a half have been so so hard.... I just want my mom back and wonder if that can ever happen (and at the same time - we're also so scared that she'd be left in this state for years.... she wouldn't want that)
Whatever you can share/ contribute from your own experience (either as patients or if you had loved ones in this situation) would be greatly appreciated.