Easter bypassed me and hubby because I got a stomach bug and then he caught it. He is ok but I still feel like a limp dishrag. Plan is to see sons and girlfriends on Sat but one of them has a cold. Question is do we ask her not to come as it'll be a few weeks before we can see them again. Or am I more likely to pick something up in the surgery when I go down later?! Which I wish I didn't have to.
Dilemma: Easter bypassed me and hubby... - Hughes Syndrome A...
I spent a long time staying away from people and they only have to look at me and I get a cold and for double the length of time, but I would hardly see anyone for 7 months of the year if i stayed away so now I have tried to be a little more laid back, my honest opinion is you could get one touching a door handle or in a shop and the fact that you get to see them all and you wouldnt be able to for a while if you didnt see them now I think you should meet up. Good luck x
Our Easter of over 35 people and 8 or so little kids WAS cancelled due to a 4 year old (one of the hosts' children) got a terrible flu. They left it up to the guests, as they live in a very large home and could have easily put Anna in her room with different relatives visiting her there. Not one relative said, "I'll be there!" It was as though poor little Anna had the plague! But her mother was so glad people had good sense. She really didn't want them there nor Anna near them. We have several very ill people who have cancer or other diseases and it would be just plain silly to expose them to anything. Children are great. Especially at Easter who doesn't want a sticky kiss and hug from a fluffy, pastel colored, bonnet wearing 4 year old who really believes? Every single one of us in our family! The host will simply set another day and hopefully, it will be warmer and the kids will be able to hunt for eggs outside. We all stay healthy.
If I had surgery coming up I wouldn't knowingly expose myself. I'd probably be a little extra careful a few weeks before and after. I'd give my resistence as much common sense assistance as possible. But, you can't live in a bubble either. I would take it day by day and apply extra common sense.
Happy Easter!
Hard call panda60, but, I would go ahead with a visit, like many of us, I just have to hear that someone is not well, and I've got what they have had!! ....I still have the fear, of catching everything going, but we have got to try and live life!. Sarahx
The thing is about colds is that you're infectious for as long as symptoms displayed, including a snotty nose. This obviously makes colds really tricky to avoid. In my opinion, if you have surgery coming up then I would want to avoid bugs as best I could, especially as you've only recently recovered from a nasty bug x
HI, I have this dilemma all the time, with school age children also. I catch everything or at least react in some way to the viruses. I cancel nothing, unless it is genuine flu or a stomach bug.. as I think I will catch what is going around in any case, so would have just missed out. I hope it was all ok for you. Mary F x