Helping change the culture out there - Hughes Syndrome A...

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Helping change the culture out there

MaryF profile image
3 Replies

With the scandal of Staffordshire back in the news again, and the knock on effect, also this not being an isolated incident. I write regularly and widely about the cultures that exist.

Medical staff MUST be able to do their jobs, confident that if they see a need to blow the whistle they can do so without being bullied or losing their careers.

The same applies to patients and the public, we must be able to speak out about poor care and bad behaviour, this of course balanced with praise where due in the NHS or beyond.

The paper attached to this petition was written by a doctor who did work at the coal face and blew the whistle early on. If enough signatures appear on the petition then the DoH will be more likely to read the actual paper, written with detail and thought by medical staff who were there and have inside knowledge of the system.

We need our care more than ever, and people must be allowed to speak freely. The formal complaints system does not work.... it leaves patients and staff worn out, gobbles up vital funds and leaves people having to go to the lawyers, further draining funds.

Mary F

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MaryF profile image
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3 Replies
Manofmendip profile image

I've just signed Mary

Dave xx

kimmi9 profile image

i recently had a stay in hospital and i must say that my care was ok, but i noticed that the older patients were ignored alot, i found myself helping a lady that had buzzed for a nurse but she never came, all this lady needed was a drink that she couldn`t reach, i dont blame the nursing staff there simply wasn`t enough staff to deal with everything, the gov or management should really be doing more !! will this petition help? im sorry but faith gets destroyed the more nightmare story`s that we hear, what is the answer? i dont know and i cant see any light at the end of this rather big and long tunnel. Kim x

Jade profile image

In 2000 my Mother was neglected just as the Staffordshire patients were, only it was a Yorkshire hospital. She did not die there, but 11 days after we got her out, so she will not be a statistic. She is off the radar. We complained and went quite a long way but were indeed worn out with it in the end.

I am dismayed that these practises still go on. I trained as a nurse at the very same hospital was totally ashamed of my profession after watching just how little the staff did. No basic cares whatsoever relatives did it all. No TLC as we were taught. They were not understaffed at all, just lazy. I would see between 6-8 staff sat for long periods around the nurses station.

When I trained we were not allowed to sit during a shift except on breaks. Patients needs always came first and that was only in the early 80's how things have declined.

That's it now as I will get very emotional if I write any more.

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