I am having problems with my vision. Sometimes can only see through half my left eye, it's like blurred. Today lost sight in my left eye for about a minute, anyone else have similar. Or info as to what it could be.
Eyesight issues: I am having problems... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Eyesight issues
could be the effect of a TIA, small blood clots in your eye
hi- i have had problems similar problems and most times it's got to do with my INR-- but in jan. i was put on hydroxchloraquine-- and you should be checked every at least 6 months as i can cause some problems with some eye problems. -----------------------------jet
Have you had your eyes checked for any pappilodaema? Your eye problems could be due to cranial pressure.
I hope you can go and get this checked as soon as possible, does your nearest large hospital have an eye clinic? Please let us know where you go and what they say. All the best, Mary F x
Hi there, yes I have issues like this all the time, optician referred me to hospital, at first they said nothing was wrong (saw about 3 different people) then I was referred to someone who deals with eyes and vasculitis. He told me I have had strokes in my eyes,more recently was asked my him if other people could look (I said yes) and it was because I have a Roth spot, which apparently aren't that common. Last visit I was told no changes and things look ok. From my point of view I do,have vision issues, I would describe them as sometimes it's like someone has put a thumb print over my eye, my left eye is worse and it can be quite blurry. I went to opticians on friday as it has seemed worse over last two weeks but there was no change to my prescripton( which is so odd as I know my left eye is blurred). I would suggest that you go get checked out but if it makes you feel better I was told that it is down to my health problems and that I am on all the relevant meds. Not sure if this will make you feel better or not, but for me I find that when the vision changes hit, it is a pain but they are temporary and don't stop me from functioning normally plus having seen someone who deals with eyes and our medical problems we are already on the right meds so I think the important thing is to monitor it.but you should go to opticians and get checked out as it could be unrelated plus regardless of the cause you should be checked and monitored.
For about 4 months everyday I would lose my vision in the top half of my right eye. After seeing 4 different specialists, no one could give me an exact answer but confirmed that it has to do with the APS and tIAs. I started taking plaquenil and warfarin and in about a month my symptoms stopped. I haven't had any major vision problems in 6 months (thank God). Hope this helps you.
Since my last t.i.a.3yrs ago, my right hand side vision was affected, and it is as if I am wearing a blinker ,and this has caused me some close shaves on the road , and a few motorists swearing at me, I guess I can,t blame them , but my balance is also a bit off.
This has all been looked at by hospitals and opticians , but I have to live with it.Plus side is though , this t.i.a. has seemed to stop my frequent ,awful migraines, so swings and roundabouts!! TOP_HOLE.
I use to get this before I started my warfarin and knew I had APS. Thank goodness it was only in one eye. It got fuzzy like the tv screen when it is not on a channel and slowly crept over my eye and then would go away. At the time I got it checked out but the Dr. could not find anything...they assumed it was related to migranes. It is scary when you lose your sight..even for a minute!