Has anyone else had Hellp syndrome during their pregnancy,
not sure what it all stands for but it effectsthe liver, nearly killed me, just wondered if it was common in Hughes syndrome patients
Karen xx
Has anyone else had Hellp syndrome during their pregnancy,
not sure what it all stands for but it effectsthe liver, nearly killed me, just wondered if it was common in Hughes syndrome patients
Karen xx
Hi there Daisy
From having a look, it would appear to be a complication and or variation of pre eclampsia - which of course does occur and awful lot in patients with Hughes Syndrome. Mary F x
I had bad eclampsia with my son I was in intensive care for two weeks after he was born and I have had loads of problems after it aswell I
Think the two are linked I have recently been diagnosed with Hughes syndrome after I lost my daughter at 33 weeks pregnant. I am pregnant
With my 9th pregnancy and on heprin twice daily and aspirin and so far so good but I ain't counting my chickens before they hatch cos things can go wrong
Love Sabrina x x
Sabrina so sorry for what you have been through and I am so sorry you lost your daughter. 9 pregnancys is such a lot to suffer.I think twenty three maybe twenty four when I had hellp syndrome.I was so I'll they had to ask my husband if our baby a little girl could be induced as if not we both may die.she didn't survive unfotunatery was in 1983 I think. My memory is so bad now.At that time I don't think they new what was wrong. I was sterilized afew months later.we were Lu ky to have adopted our daughter.it seems that havingthe Asprin along with the clexane has really helped, I hope things go really well for you this time,please keep us informed love Karen xx please excuse spelling etc
Hi Daisy,
I experienced HELLP syndrome with pre-eclampsia 34 weeks into my first pregnancy and was very ill as a result (my husband thought he was going to lose me as well as our baby). At that stage I was not aware I had APS. My high risk obstetrician who I am seeing with this pregnancy told me that the pre-eclampsia/HELLP was inevitable as a result of undiagnosed/untreated severe IUGR and thus I shouldn't have a repeat of the HELLP if I am closely monitored and baby delivered if any problems arise.