So so soooooo stressed im stuck in warrington hospital with no fags im dyin for a cigg its sooo not fair xx
Stressssss: So so soooooo stressed im... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Poor you, feeling for you, I was in just before christmas and was in same position, I know they all tell you to stop smoking but it dont help when you do smoke and cant have one.
Hope you get well soon.
I know it won't help but I used to smoke, I can still remember the desperate feeling horrible isn't it ,wont they give you any patches or any help.
hope you soon feel better
Love Karen xx
Wish I could drive I would bring you some only about 20 mins away.
sorry I know this dont help go downstairs and see if any one smoking and ask as an ex smoker if someone asked i would give them one.
Hope you get well soon xx
It's ok....I've had several for you....I hope you picked up the vibe from me. I'm in Kent, but I blew it in the direction of Warrington!! Hope you are home and feeling better soon. xx
You have my every ympathy - i used to live in warrington and ended up in that hole - warrington hospital bad enough but without cigs god help you!!!! ill send some nicotine thoughts your way x
I used to take nicotine gum in with me it helps but not if your admitted suddenly and the scowls from the nurses when you do have one
When ever I am in the hospital I am always to sick to even think about a ciggarette.
Lol thx all im home now n are reunited with my ciffys xx