I have been helping with remodeling our 3 bathrooms. I accidentally dropped a 3 foot piece of moulding on the top of my foot. It hurt but I could still walk on it. I iced rest elevated and still do the swelling has gone down a lot. But there is still a bump across the top of my foot. Of course it bruised so much because of taking warfarin. No bruise now. Still hurts . Can't get in to see anyone for another month. What should I do ??
Ooopppss!!: I have been helping with... - Hughes Syndrome A...
is it possible to go to an urgent care facility to get an x ray?
Went to urgent care yesterday they don't have a rad tech working the weekend so Dr gave me a boot and go back to them tomorrow morning for a x ray Then we will see what's next
I hope you have gone to get an X-ray!
if you are in the uk ring 111 they will sort an appointment and X-ray for you. It needs checking it could just be a haematoma but it needs checking
did a similar thing 18 months ago with a concrete gdn figurine. When I did see my gps they rushed me to a &e. Hospital were great and sorted it out with follow ups from gps. Problem solved. Though a pain a & e will be your best plan. Warfarin can really be a nuisance but wouldn’t be here without it. Best wishes
Did you get the x ray?