Have a wonderful Christmas day and a new year
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL and A HAPPY NE... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Hi Jet,
Thank you and the same to you. A happy wealthy 2023!
Merry Day After...of course, there are 12 days of Christmas. (I should remind my neighbors who have already turned off their beautiful Christmas lights.)
They aren't adding to our POWER GRID PROBLEM LOL as we now are trying to get everyone to go to elect. powered cars with a sub stand ed power grid Now Ha ?? Crazy . But happy day after , we have pills for that don't we LOL Hugs i don't drink spirits {Accept for VERY few occasions . [ like any day ending in Y !! } LOL } No once in awhile i go to my friend Ming's restaurant i will have a White or A Black Russian . But maybe 2 a year well 2 nights a year NOT just 2 drinks LOL OOPS cat is out of the bag. SO i had better go there new years Eve ?? and i will toast you all and i will bring my own Butter .!!. Well i was exposed BY a very good friend i ran into and gave a very slight side hug to - we were out side it wasn't windy and very cold out about 23 degree's as i remember last Weds 23 RD well she has gotten the newest COVID and i was exposed so today i need to test .But i have NO temp and OXY and BPM levels normal { well if anything is normal with me ?? } .She is afraid because of L lung issue and she would be very hard on herself if i had gotten it BUT i think I am OK OR symptom free as of up til now nothing , i will run another test today as i promised her i would . So how cold is it down where you are Gina ??
It got down to a few degrees below zero for a few hours. Currently anbout 15. I recall many winters in my childhood when such temps were routine. I remain dismissive of Gen Zers complaining about the temp. like--come on! Your kids ride the bus all of half a mile to school! And your girls are allowed to wear pants! How about wearing skirts and walking a mile to school in sub zero weather?
?.. out of respect to my elders should I tell them about walking 5 miles or more to school?
WELL My friend A New Year Starting , How many years now have we been greeting each other ?? i am to old to count . LOL Happy New Year My Buddy Been cold here didn't get above 20 degree's today little sun all the river's here are loaded with broken hunks of ice , jamming up. we have 3 dams on the rivers here and the Merrimack which is a large river we have an old power plant dam that i haven't seen yet - i can imagine that isn't much netter we had the snow then rain then more snow THEN that real heavy rain a week ago and now the ice that was ashore has been pulled back into the river because of very high levels and the water has really pulled all the ice into it so the dams are loaded already - this early in the season ?? they are saying a warmer trend for the mid to latter part of the week high 30"s maybe low 40"s { I hope !! } ..have to dig out my swim trunks again . the Eskimo Plunge as they cal it . That should stop this old heart or at least make it skip a couple of beats LOL !!! 😁 😆 😉
A quick response( nearing my bed time. I know! My circadian rhythym is insane. Asleep by 8, awake at 4.) I have finally, after 6 years of classses, canonical tests and silences, been approved by my state's new bishop to be ordained a deacon this Feb 4. Other than playing a more consistent role in Sunday Eucharist, I will essentially be doing the same volunteer work as before --just with more moxy.
We should phone sometime.
it was about 2 miles for me - i lived to close for a bus . Mostly the buses ran to the outer city limits and the surrounding towns that had no schools for grades 9-12 . i graduate in 1973 so now all the little towns have grown enough so they have thier own high schools now .So turned into very wealthy towns . so my day was 2 miles to school {High School grades 10 -12 } then home change and walk 6 miles to my late afternoon -evening job ( PM then walked to the book keepers house 3 miles south Then turn around and walk back by gas station where i worked then home again so didn't get home till 10 BUT in winter or real bad weather my Dad would leave his 2 ND job early and come and get me if he could . some times if he was the only one working then WELL it was a cold or frozen walk home till i got my first made of transportation a Kawasaki motorcycle , it was what i could afford so i ran that til snow flew and then traded it for a 1959 Chevy Impala or Belair i think it was and then from then on i always had a car . we had 7 kids in my family Dad actually worked full time job and 2 part time and Mom worked also so if we wanted anything we had to work for it . i had my first job at 12 and a half at a Fanny farmer Candy store and i have worked ever since till this disease and then that was it at age 54 . i did do little things but not much . i went thru lots of boots and sneakers LOL
merry Christmas 🎁🎄
Merry Christmas to all Now a new year a coming SO THE best of a New Years To YOU ALL. From here in Cold sunless Penacook New Hampshire .
So in re-reading your reply you are Deacon now , is this correct ??
OOPS Happy day 365 . now a we start again . in hopes of counting the days till 365 Ha LOL Hugs
happy new year, Jet jet jet! ( I missed Christmas… ) was down with a bad leg.