hi im new to the chat, so sorry if this is long . Hope you don't mind me telling you my story. And thank you all so much
8 years ago I suffered a stroke at 34 years old was told IgG antibodies cardiiolipin levels came back high twice was diagnosed with APS, also a hole in the heart suffered memory loss word finding and lots of other problems. 2 months before stroke I was diagnosed with peunisus anemia and inject every 3 months also low iron. Only ever seen a haematologist once who put me on clopidogril . At the time I think I was in alot of denial at what happened to me never excepted to have a stroke .it changed my whole personality i didn't realise at the time and never gave myself time to fully recover . Over time I stopped going to the stroke clinic and then I stopped taking my clopidogril as it made my periods so bad . Went back to work and struggled though with what now I know I shouldn't of done. The memory problems. Fatigue couldn't get out of bed ,the joint pain brain fog, missing words , depression, anxiety I thought I was going mad. Constantly prescribed antidepressants , in the end this cost me my job .I could no longer fully function I was clinging on to hoping some miracle would happen and it would all disappear, I became this person I no longer new . I did askmy gp about APS but she didn't really have alot of information about it so it went to the back of my mind. Fasforward to 8 years now. I started to feel unwell 12 months ago thinking my iron levels was low trying to get hold of gp at the min is hard work as for alot of people .I just wanted to get my iron levels checked with a very long wait for bloods at the min its been tough for everyone with GPS aswell . Then I though I had pulled my muscle in the back of my leg as i couldn't walk all of a sudden and the constant cramps and my foot was ice cold to the touch, took myself to the urgent care. My d dimer came back at 4 and half thousand was given an enoxaparin injection then sent to another hospital had scans and bloods . I have a very large blood clot in my main artery in my leg and I'm currently writing this story in my recovery. I'm injecting 3 times a day because in my area they have run out or can't get hold of any 120mg enoxaparen so have to use 40 mg 3 times a day , only been on the warfrin for the last week so its all new to me .still all feels unreal and made me so very thankful . I look back now and think how silly it was and not to take the condition seriously as I should of done .but then if you ask my husband he sees it all differently he thinks I've not had much help with the condition in the first place. Who knows.. and the whole healing process starts over again this time im older and wiser lol I think . Its taken me sice 9am to try and write this and its the first time I've ever really told anyone. Thank you to all the lovely people on this forum , you have gotten me through the last week . and all kept me company . And I've loved reading everyone's stories and all the valuable information you have taught me so thank you 😊